Return... [Part IV]

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~Casket's POV~

The ghosts, after completely obliterating the door with an explosion, walked (or floated in Maxwell's case) into our house from where the front door used to be.

It seemed that they had planned all of this out. Almost. There was still a flaw.

Everything rushed around fast, but in seemingly slow motion, if that even makes sense. Time was at a standstill.

But then it began to move again.

Maxwell whispered something to Prince Fang, and Fang rushed past me, and before I could turn around, I heard a small slashing noise.

I could feel that Ghost was scared of what we would see behind us, but I turned around anyway.

And I saw Toast's limp body fall to the ground after hanging from the sharpened claws of the scaled dragon ghost.

And we both felt Ghost's severe anger pulsing through our body. A burning passion fueled by strong hatred, blurring our eyes with red. Our hands twitched with pure, unbridled rage.

"NOOOOOO!" Ghost screamed.

I felt a sinister, crazy smile grow on my face, insanity gleaming in our eyes. It was time.

No one knew what we had already done. This is what they hadn't planned for.

We said together:

"Oh, now you're dead!"


~Toast's POV~

After I died, I respawned as usual outside, but I decided it was best to stay outside.

As I lurked at the window, peeking in, I saw them truly working together for the first time.

And it was extraordinary.


~Ghost's POV~

They had crossed the line - for the last time. It was time to use what we had planned a while ago, the first time we tested this little act.

I could feel the energy of myself and Jimmy combined, creating the effect of strong power.

I looked up at the intruders. They were going down - if it was the end of us.

Time to get rid of them once and for all. Or, at least for a while anyways.

We glanced back towards where Toast's body had lain, only to notice it had disappeared. He must have respawned already. I'm glad he's safe. We all hate dieing, though.

I brought my searing gaze back to the duo of ghosts.

As Casket pulled his knife on the ghosts, his signature catchphrase slipped out of our mouth.

"Do you wanna know," he smiled wider, his crimson colored eye twitching, "my secret?"

Maxwell seemed taken aback that Casket wasn't working with him anymore, instead helping out his arch-nemesis (other than Papa Acachalla, obviously). He was helping me out, trying to compensate for my best friend's death.

He floated over to us, glancing warily at our fully ready-to-attack stance, upright but armed.

Our body moved forward on Casket's will, stabbing Maxwell over and over with his "Knifey," embedded with some sorry of energy that allowed it to hit paranormal beings, Casket laughing his crazed laugh.

Maxwell's form dispersed, letting us know that he would take a while to come back yet.

After Jimmy was done with his "work," we allowed the body to turn, head tilted down, toward the other ghost in our house, who was still standing by where he had murdered my friend in cold blood.

We started laughing, small giggles at first, evolving into blazingly crazy laughter.

Working together, we pushed our body to the limit, rushing as fast as we could handle, straight toward Fang.

As we burst forward, he tried to dodge to his left. Casket used one of his tricks though - the same one he pulled on Spooker: he hooked his knife into Fang's wing and yanked, pulling Fang towards us and throwing him to the floor as we jumped out of the way of his scaly body.

We landed on top of him, and I proceeded to pull my ghost gun out of its holster and shoot him multiple times.

After he too dispersed, we fell to the blood-stained ground, breathing heavily. Doing this together put a lot of stress on our body and used a lot of both sides' energy.

We both blacked out for a bit. In that time, Toast must have come back into the house from his spawn point, because he shook me awake. A skip must have happened in my brain though, because...


~Toast's POV~

"I see that Jimmy Casket can be helpful at times, sir!" I said to them jokingly.

They turned around to look at me again. I was expecting Casket to make a snarky remark, or for them to at least smile - we had just won - well, they did - but they gave me a look that I can only describe as... very confused, their head tilted to the side.

They blinked, and only Ghost's amber-brown eyes remained.

Then Ghost alone asked a most peculiar question:

"Who's Jimmy Casket?"


~Ghost's POV~

...I couldn't remember any of what happened for the past few months.


1. Sorry for the cliffhanger, but I can't help myself! Plus, it fits in with the canon [where Ghost didn't recognize Casket's name in "Gmod SCARY BATMAN 4 Player Horror Map! (Garry's Mod)"] so... yeah.

2. Also, I am in the process of making a public playlist of all of VenturianTale's P.I.E. & Jimmy Casket videos, chronologically ordered and everything, and I'll keep you guys updated on that when the time comes. See ya, Little Adventurers!

Edited A/N
I redid some of this chapter to make it make a little more sense for the next one. Sorry for any confusion!

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