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After a week Lily, Cohen, Ryder, and I are all released from the hospital. I can actually stand in my legs again! Jordan says that I will be able to walk 100% again. My mom drives, and I sit in the passenger seat I turn to look at my little angels, all three of them are fast asleep. I turn back and I notice that we passed our road.

"Wasn't our house on that street?" I question


"What about..."

"You'll see."

We continue to drive and I notice that we Are coming into a nice neighborhood. My mother turns and ten turns into a driveway.

"Here, we are. Three-thirteen west auburn street."

"Why are we here?"

"Because, this is your house and that's mine." she points to a smaller house on the corner. "two-ninety eight Kline Drive."

"New houses?" I ask as I get Lily's, Ryder's, and Cohen's car seats out of the car. I set them on the ground.

"Yes, I couldn't stand to live in that house where your father was. So I can looking for a new house and I came across this little neighborhood and I found both of these. It was cheaper to buy both of these houses that to buy a new one that was nigh enough for all five of us. By the way your home is a three bedroom, 31/2 bathrooms, with a full dining room, kitchen, lounge, family room,play room, an office, also in the backyard there is a shallow pool around 2 feet for the kids to play in when they are big enough."

"You got me a house??"

"Graduation Present from me. Also, I had it fully furnished. Plus, there's something in the garage for you. The key code is 72491

I walk over to the garage and open it up. Inside is a scion, my next top choice of car after my truck.

"Your father bought it for

You after your wreck. Since well your truck kind of got smashed."

"Wow," I say. I back

Out of the garage and shut the door.

"Would you like a tour?"

"Sure!" I pick up Ryder and Cohens seats and walk up my mother grabs Lily's and walks up behind be. She scoots I front of me to get to the door and to open it up. I step inside and its drop dead amazing!!!


"I take it that you like it she chuckles


I turn to take it all in. Even if it's just an entry way it looks amazing! There is a small chandelier hanging and doors on both sides. Also an arch way right across from the door. I look into the room in the left and it's a stunning living room, a flat screen tv, and a huge wrap around couch (black) and a coffee table, also I the room is a huge bookcase on the back wall.

"Mother, it's wonderful but will the lamps and loose items be child proof?"

"Yes, I have it covered! I already had everything in this house child proofed. Look, see the coffee table has a sleek black rim, it's actually a padding to make sure you little ones don't hit themselves. Also, the book cases are raised about two feet off the ground."

"Wow, it all looks like a designer home. And how did you afford all of this?"

"I sold the business." she states

"You?? Sold?? "

"Yes, I just didn't like it having it around after all it was you fathers idea, and he just handed it over to me."

"Wow, but mom your only 47. What are you going to do?"

"I have a new job. I work from home,"


"Anyway.. Let's go finish the tour. Then I'll show you my house."

We walk around the house the room across from the living room is a elegant dining room. The kitchen is

Marvelous. We reach a spiral stair case and go up upstairs is a bathroom (stunning!), and 4 bedrooms. We walk into the master bed room. I am breathless, Its perfect, a queen bed, oak Chests, a walk in closet, and a humongous bathroom with a jacuzzi.

"Wow!!! I love it!" I say.

"Waaaaaaaaaa!!!!" Cohen starts crying.

I set his car seat down and put Ryder's down beside him.

I unbuckle him and start to rock him,

"Shh, Mommy's here. It's alright."

He looks up at me. he looks so much like Brandon, with his big green eyes and little brown patches on his head.

He stops crying and falls asleep.

I can't help but let a tear drop from my eye. I set him back in his car seat. And pick his and Ryder's back up. My mother leads me into each of their rooms I put each one in their cribs. Me and my mother walk back downstairs.

"Honey, I am so proud of you. I can't believe how strong you stayed throughout this."

"Thanks mom."

"I have baby monitors installed all over this house. They are all gray and theirs one in the kitchen, living room, your bed and bathroom ,and one in your office.

Oh, I need to get over to my house, I've got a meeting in an hour with my boss. "

"Bye mom. Thanks so much for everything."

"That's what moms are for."

She hugs me then walks out of my kitchen.

I smile. I can't believe I'm a mom, too bad Lil is already in New York , otherwise I would invite her over. I decide to get online and see what I can find to entertain myself with. I decide to use my tv as the monitor. I sit on my couch and grab the keyboard and mouse. I turn on the tv and log onto a mommy blog. I decide it would be fun of I created one, so I create a page on the site and I type my first entry. (Three.and.Me-- is her user name."


Mommy Blogger

Hey, I'm new in this site but let me introduce myself. I'm a teenage mother of three, triplets, they are just under 2 weeks old. Also, I am a single mother, my little angels names are Lily, Ryder, and Cohen. I'd prefer not to put my name out there but let me just say. K! :)


I log off and decide to take a nap before the triplets wake up.

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