Important Message (read this)

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Okay, I want to state a few things real quick.

Do not expect as many updates on any of my books. I had my phone and computer taken away for the rest of the school year. Why, you ask? I got lunch detention for the first time in over a year for not getting something unimportant signed, and another lunch detention for being late to class (I had to go to the bathroom badly...). I forgot about these detentions, though. At my school, everytime you miss a detention, the time you spend doubles. Yaaaaaaay.

I went to the bathroom during detention because I figured since we could go to the microwaves, we could use the bathroom. Apperently we can't. I'm a little ticked off. My mom found out about this via email from my teacher. I was (direct quote) "...wandering the cafeteria". Like wut. No. I was expelling of foul fluids. Stop.

And then I got in trouble. And now I must suffer.

I'm putting this in almost all of my books.

Also, remember The Fallen Heroes...?

Yeah... sorry to say this, but...

I'm getting rid of that one. Sorry.

I am, however, *insert smirk here* GIVING THE STORY A REVAMP IN AN ENTIRELY NEW BOOK! :D Happy Birthday.

I'm sketching character designs (not Mary Sues I swear. Not even OCs lol...).

Gtg. Bye!

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