Chapter Ten

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"Alright, here's the dealio. We date outside of school but when we get inside we hate each other. Got it?"

"But Scott . . ."

"I'm sorry, Mitch, but we both know we're just going to get hurt even more if we show that we're still dating."

"I thought you said you didn't care if you got hurt."

"I don't, but I care if you get hurt."

"I'm the one that's been getting hurt, Scott. I think I can handle it."

Scott and I are sitting criss-cross on his bed. It's still the same day as last chapter, and we decided to go back home. Currently we're working on this dating situation.

"Gordon told everyone to separate us if they see us together anyway. It's not like we'll be able to do much."

"We'll fight them, Scott. I just don't know how I'm going to possibly last a whole day without at least a hug from you."

"Mitch, you lasted your entire life without a hug from me."


Scott sighs. "Look, I don't want to do this either. But we have to."

"What if we just go to school, still showing our dating-ness, and see what they do?"


And the conversation is over. I shift so my head is in his lap but my back is facing him. He gently starts stroking my hair, and I close my eyes. "Mitch?" Scott says softly. "Hmm?" I hum my response. "I . . . I think I'm in love with you." My eyes snap open, but I will them to close again, hoping he didn't notice. "How do you know? You could just be experiencing a crush. First loves usually never last, you'll probably find someone else when you get older," I say, playing nonchalance. "I don't want to find someone else, though," Scott protests, "you're perfect."

I feel a deflating feeling in my heart. He thinks I'm perfect. Scott thinks I'm perfect. Why would he think that? How could he think that? If I was perfect, I wouldn't be bullied.

I just let out a sigh. "Do you want to watch a movie?" I ask him softly, wanting to change the subject. He raises his eyebrows, but doesn't question it. "Sure," he says, gently pushing me off so he can get up, "what do you want to watch?" I sit up, shrugging. "I don't know. Just put something on. Surprise me." He grins mischievously, and I immediately regret saying that. "What are you going to do?" I sigh wearily. He just winks. "You'll see."

Soon, the Spongebob Squarepants theme song starts, and my eyes widen. Still grinning, Scott sits beside me. "You like Spongebob too?" I squeal, smiling like an idiot. He nods. "You watch it?" I nod vigorously. "It's only my most favorite show ever!" Scott smiles. "OMG! We have, like, so much in common," he says with a stereotypical girl voice. We stare at each other for a minute before we burst into laughter.

Scott and I lay side by side, my head on his chest and his arm around my shoulders. "Do you wanna do something?"

"We already are doing something."

"No, I mean, go somewhere."

"Why? I'm very comfortable right here, thank you very much."

Scott's cold hand is suddenly touching my back, and I gasp. "Man, your hands are cold!" He just smiles sheepishly. "Sorry." I turn around as much as I can without getting up, glaring at him. "Why is your hand on my back anyway?" He quickly lifts it, blushing. "Sorry," he mumbles again. I break my façade, chuckling a little bit. Scott seems relieved that I'm not actually mad at him, but he still seems uncomfortable.

"Well, now that I've gotten you moving, let's go do something."

"Why do you want to do something so bad?"

"I want to be a good boyfriend and take you somewhere."

"Scott, we've literally been dating for two days. I don't think those requirements kick in yet. We're still getting used to each other. Besides, you are being a good boyfriend by letting me lay on you. You're very comfortable. Now shut up and let me watch Spongebob."

Scott chuckles softly, but he obeys. We watch a couple more episodes, and I feel my eyelids droop close.

I wake up in the middle of the night, still tangled in Scott's arms. It's dark out, and I glance at the clock. 2:00 a.m. I sigh softly, tired. I close my eyes to get to sleep again, but I can't. I don't want to get up and shift; Scott is holding me close to him, arms wrapped protectively around my waist. His chest gently rises and falls as he breathes, and a slight smile dances on his lips, making me wonder what he's dreaming about.

My eyes travel over his face, taking in everything about him. Scott is perfect. I don't know what I did to deserve him.


bad ending detected

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