chapter 9: dear gods

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Tomoe's Pov

I gag as Janiece carves into Nanami's skin, her cries of pain crush my heart as it clenches painfully in fear of my sweet nanami.

I'm still violently tugging on the gooey chains, but every protest is rewarded with a stab in nanami's already weakened state.

Suddenly i feel another presence joining us. I can't turn around to give it a good look but Nanami's eyes widen in fear. "Master" she whispers and tries to press herself further into the gooey wall.

My blood boils with rage, pure bloodlust stirs in my head seeping through my restraint. Someone frightend her and made her call him her master, someone scarred my precious mate.

My fox snarls and tries to break through my selfrestraint that is already being breached. My entire body shakes with something beyond fury, beyond words.

"Ah my little pet, so this is where you went! I even went out to buy you some new playthings" i see the fear building up in her eyes. In their reflection i see another greenhaired man coming up from behind me.

"I-i..." her voice cracks and she hangs her head in defeat. This only shows how much she is scarred, everything finally broke her. The usual proud, stubborn nanami is replaced by this submissive, scared one and it sickens me.

It sickens me that i can't protect her from this, that i couldn't prevent her being broken like this. It sickens me that her fox consious is just throwing her in this nightmare, this version of hell.

"WHERE ARE YOU YOU STUPID FOX?! DON'T YOU SEE THIS IS DOING MORE HARM THAN GOOD?!" i roar. " mad?" "Ohhh no..  mate isn't mad..mate is FURIOUS!" I snarl.

"Why is mate here? Why is mate furious? I am doing this for our own good"

"Own good huh? THIS ISN'T GOOD FOR HER!" i glare at the sky. "Don't you see this is breaking her?" My voice cracks, "can't you see that?" Tears prick in my eyes. I can't bear to lose nanami in any form be it physically or mentally.

"But our body isn't stable enough... she'll be hurting...mate will be hurting"

"If you don't get her out... your minds won't be stable enough either. Then i'll be hurting even more"

"Fine but what about mate? I can't get mate out"

"I'll get out once she wakes up" i hear the fox purr in content. Then it becomes silent, out of nowhere my head snaps to the side. I growl at the perpetrator, "oh come on don't give me that boy! You were so zoned out that you where missing the show" a older version of Lucifer says to me.

I quickly focus on nanami again, only then do i notice her pained gasps, only then do i notice the gaping hole in her chest. "" I choke out softly, she looks up at me tearfully. 'I love you so much' she mouths to me "NANAMI!!!!!"
Sooooooo sorry for not updating sooner! Just too much is going on at the moment well untill next time my lovely bitchachos

I mean it


End of chapter

What do you not understand??

Ok ok you got me ..... he.... here's the rest of the chapter ●w●

I wake up clawing at nanami's white sheets. Franticlly i search for her body but am met with empty space. "Nanami? NANAMI?!" I yell as i search the room. A nurse runs in "mister Tomoe please calm down, the lady is being washed by the docter."

"What kind of docter?" I growl lowly, the nurse gulps "a female mister tomoe" i nod in acceptance. A female is fine "so she woke up then?" I ask hopefully. "Yes she did! Just a few minutes before you mister tomoe. We
were pleasantly surprised" the nurse informs happily.

I smile gently "that's good" "tomoe!" A soft voice croaks out, i turn my head around slowly. Nanami is being rolled in in a hospital bed. I raise my brow at her "what? I didn't want to wake you up okay?" She pouts.

I laugh and embrace her in a hug, "you're ok! Oh my gods you are ok!" I whisper. I pepper her face in small kisses, she giggles. "So how long have i been out for?" She asks giddy i look at her strangely. "You are happy, seeing what happened just moments ago"

"What happened?" "In the second restspace" "restspace?" "You know with janiece, lucifer and stuff!" I exclaim getting frustrated. "Whom?" She asks as she frowns, i stare at her before kissing her forehead. "Nothing love" i sigh, maybe she doesn't remember. I don't see the grim smile she has plastered on when i don't look at her.........

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