Chapter 1: Ready To Throw It At The Sparkling Barbie's Whining Tail

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I feel like becoming a cannibal right now to eat Mrs. Jameson but unfortunately that won't work in my favor. I'll end up getting suspended for infinity.

Along with a letter with huge ass explanations on why I was taken out of the school, about how disobedient I am and how the other schools should be careful and wise about giving me an admission in their school. AND, I'll most probably be send to the prison for killing my teacher.

Yep, not in my favor at all.

I start clicking my pen against the bench to irk Mrs. Jameson but she remains unfazed.

Good lord. What is this woman made of? I mean, this didn't work on her. My puppy dog face DIDN'T work on her!! And I'm not kidding when I say that I'm a trained actor.

She sort of reminds me of James from that yawn-guaranteed, glittery movie. What was the name once again?

Twixie? Turnover? Turnoff? Ah! Twilight.

Man, that movie is something. It literally got me inches away from the screen...with my best bunch of tomatoes -and yes, I do keep tomatoes just in case something as disgraceful as this happens- ready to throw it at the sparkling barbie's whining tail.

And by that, I mean that ballerina chick. Or whatever name she had.

Note to self: Never watch THAT thing ever again.

Anyway coming back to why Mrs. Jameson reminds me of James, apart from the name that is. For starters, her hair are like a waterfall just like his were. They never stay in place. I wonder why she doesn't go ahead and get them cut. Then there is her uncanny resemblance to his taunting ways and best of all his greed for revenge. That woman has it in her to take revenge, come what may.

AND she's evil.

See why I remember him, now?

So well, while I'm stuck in this prison that she calls a classroom, I'm gonna tell you who I am.

You can calm down though, I'm not a criminal and she's not a cop. Although it would be funny to see her in a uniform. Anyway, I'm getting off topic here.

My name is Bond. James Bond. Okay no. That joke is too old now.

My name is Hayden Matthews. Learn it. It'll be useful when you've to get someone murdered.

Okay, kidding again.

I am just a normal 17 year old going to the dumbest school on this planet. And I can almost hear the whole school laughing at me.

Normal is the last word you'd use to describe me. Actually, I doubt that it even exists in my dictionary.

I am the most popular student in this school. And before you've misconceptions about me being a brilliant student, let me come clear to you.

I'm the definition of bad-ass. The entire teaching staff including the useless principal are sick and tired of me. If it weren't for my dad being a trustee of this school, I would've been thrown out long back.

Thank you dad for being smart and joining the school even before I entered high school. I'm sure he understood that I was trouble and decided to curb the chances of me getting a detention. I know I got my smartness from him. Sh. Don't tell my mom that though.

But even then, dads are dads. So my dad has high expectations and also is very strict with me.

Anyway, coming back to the story, I am currently regarded as the major threat by everybody.

Mm, life is good. Insert thousand smirks here, please.

All until he came. Insert a million frowns here.

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