What are you guys doing

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Yuuya's POV

I laid down beside Jin and suddenly I fell someone wrapped his arms around me.It was Jin."Jin!!"I said and hugged him.I'm crying while hugging him."Yuuya don't cry.I'm fine now."I get up and wipe of my tears away."Jin-kun.I'm so glad that you alive.I thought you wer-"Jin pun his one finger on my lips and get up.I blush a bit."I'm not gonna dead because you here with me and I won't leave you."He said and hissed in pain.

Suddenly someone came in,it was Dr.Yamano."Jin-kun,I have fix Triton for you and I have upgraded to."Dr.Yamano gave Triton to Jin.Jin took it."Is my pod fix up and how the bom is in the pod?"He nodded."The bom is been put in your pod when the buster was upgraded.That's mean someone have came in here and put the bom in your pod.I have one question"

Jin look confused."What is it?"Dr.Yamano stroke Jin's hair.Jin's kinda cute."You haven't get a trauma after the accident?"Jin slap playfully at Dr.Yamano's hand.I laugh a bit when he did that."No actually I'm fine now."He nodded and get up.He walk out of the room.I couldn't take it much longer so I laugh out loud until I laid down on the bed."What the heck is the matter with you Yuuya?"He asked me but I didn't answer his question.I just continue laughing.

Jin pull my back suit and hug me.I immediately stop laughing and blush."With hugging you stop laughing.Why are you laughing actually?"He said and realised me.I sat in front of him and look into his eyes."Actually,when Dr.Yamano do that to you.You kinda cute when he push some of your hair to the front.That's why I laugh"I laugh again and Jin blush."Shut up will ya!!"He tried to push me but I push him back.We both fall off the bed.I was laying on top of Jin.I look at Jin and we were blushing.

"What are you guys doing?"We both get up and saw Ban,Hiro,Jessica and Kazuya."N-Nothing."Jin said and I nodded."Don't do such a stupid things."Said Kazuya."No were not!!!"Me and Jin yelled at him.Kazuya back a bit and walk off."Jin,are you okay now?"Asked Ban.Jin nodded and get up."I'm fine now.Let's go see the other."We all went to the meeting room to see the others."Jin!Your awake!!"Said Ami happily.

Jin's POV

I almost wanna jump back when Ami yelled.She's scared me.Yuuya hold my hands and smile at me."Take it easy okay"I nodded.Then we all heard that we need to get back at our sit.We put our sit belt and suddenly Yuuya hold my hand."I'm scared!"I smile."Its gonna be okay.I'll got you"The Duck Shuttle flew right and left every time the laser at the Paradise.After its over,Yuuya was hugging me.Maybe he's scared.Suddenly I heard a clicking sound.Jessica took a photo of us.Yuuya realise me and blush.He look at the outside.I blush to and get up.I tried to took the CCM from her."No can do Jin-kun!I will sent at you and I'll delete it"I just sign and walk back at my place."Sorry Jin-kun"Yuuya whispers at me.I shook my head."Its okay Yuuya-san"

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