Day 2: Cuddling

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Mathis was sitting next to Lukas and as usual they were holding hands. They haven't really done anything else except that. Mathis wanted them to be closer. Lukas shivered at the air got colder. That gave Mathis an idea.
"Ya cold Lu?" He asked. Lukas just nodded. Lukas was only pretending. He really did want to get closer to Mathis. Mathis scooted closer to him and wrapped his hands around Lukas and brought him closer. They stayed like that for quite a long time until...
"AWE EMIL LOOK YOUR BROTHER IS FINALLY SMILING!!!" Tino took a picture and Emil just looked at him with a smirk but somehow had wide eyes as well. It creeped Lukas out. He just cuddled into Mathis chest and blocked out the world around him.

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