louisfantasies: i'll start
itsharrybruh: ok
itsharrybruh: lets do it as one of us ask a question and we both reply to said question
louisfantasies: alright
louisfantasies: where are you from?
itsharrybruh: England
louisfantasies: same
itsharrybruh: what is your birthday
louisfantasies: december 24
itsharrybruh: mines february 1
louisfantasies: i know
louisfantasies: What part of England are you from?
louisfantasies: I'm from Doncaster
itsharrybruh: I'm from Holmes Chapel in Cheshire
louisfantasies: we're like an hour away
itsharrybruh: we'll have to meet up sometime
louisfantasies: ummmmm, no
itsharrybruh: why?
louisfantasies: just cause i said i don't think you're a creepy stalker doesn't mean I don't think you're a pedophile, well, Im an adult, so rapist
itsharrybruh: seriously?
louisfantasies: yep
Bruh: The MPreg Version (A Larry Text Story)
DiversosNew DM from @itsharrybruh itsharrybruh: Hello there louisfantasies: hello "Bruh" itsharrybruh: f4f? louisfantasies: sure ***** Or the one where Harry finds Louis' account while on social media and deems him worthy enough to message.