louisfantasies: so...
itsharrybruh: soo... what?
louisfantasies: i got fired from my job
itsharrybruh: okay
louisfantasies: why might you ask
itsharrybruh: not really
louisfantasies: they literally fired me, in their words, because I smile too much
itsharrybruh: seriously?
louisfantasies: yeah
louisfantasies: because, again in their words, the job isn't supposed to be fun
itsharrybruh: where do you work
itsharrybruh: i mean did
louisfantasies: i worked at a tea shop
louisfantasies: and i got fired for smiling too much
itsharrybruh: that sucks
louisfantasies: it does
louisfantasies: but luckily i have another
itsharrybruh: i still say we should meet up
louisfantasies: bruh
Bruh: The MPreg Version (A Larry Text Story)
DiversosNew DM from @itsharrybruh itsharrybruh: Hello there louisfantasies: hello "Bruh" itsharrybruh: f4f? louisfantasies: sure ***** Or the one where Harry finds Louis' account while on social media and deems him worthy enough to message.