Chapter 39 - Three Words

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To @brookemccreaa, for always voting first each time a chapter is updated.


With a really dozy mind, I entered the cake shop. It was so unbelievable how I still managed to work my way to the shop when I was even too drowsy to report today.

Apart from the early call from Mommy Carol, Elena and Kara greeting me on my birthday, I totally didn't have a good night rest.

Nigel, you're to be blamed for this! My mind was furiously shouting inside me.

I was in the shop when I noticed that everyone seemed not around. Where could the people be? Who opened the shop then? Normally, every morning, some crew would be cleaning the customers' place, the cashier would be at the counter and, most of all, Mrs. Riviera would be supervising everyone to make the shop ready for the day.

Really confused, I walked towards the baking area. It felt so weird to be alone in the shop on my birthday and have a drowsy mind. Just as I was opening the door to my favorite place in the shop, a loud greeting bombarded me.

"Happy birthday, Chef Thea!"

Oh, now I knew why everyone was not around in the customer's place! They were all here in the kitchen waiting for me.

The lively greeting kind of knocked something in my head that I had to wake up. I actually felt I was sleep walking. Oh, blame it to the jerk!

"Oh, guys, thank you so much," I said, very grateful indeed for the surprise greeting.

"We love you, Chef Thea!" they even added, still in chorus.

"I love you too, guys!" I said, clasping my cheeks. I was about to cry.

Mrs. Riviera came to me with a big cake covered with a strawberry-colored fondant on her hands. It was big but it was shaped like a strawberry cupcake filled with a variety of sprinkles and cute candles on top.

"Oh, my God! It's so cute!" I gasped, clasping my chest.

"Make a wish. Blow the candles, Chef Thea!" they all said excitedly, surrounding me.

I closed my eyes and tried to search what my heart truly desired.

Then, I opened them.

They all looked at me in anticipation.

"Make a wish! Blow the candles!" Mrs. Riviera reiterated.

No matter how much I wanted to grant their request, something spoiled the fun. My drowsy mind couldn't make up what to wish. I hate you, Nigel Joaquin! I said to myself as I saw him, gazing at me, in my mind.

Without wishing anything, I blew the candles anyway.


"You look sleepy," Mrs. Riviera commented. "Are you sure you don't want a day off? It's your birthday."

"It's alright, Ma'am. I don't need a day off... but please, let me visit the orphanage at 3:00. It's just that I promised the kids to be with them on my birthday."

"No problem, Thea. You can do anything you want to do today," she said and I was very thankful. 

"Happy birthday, future wife."

I blinked my eyes, remembering my encounter with Nigel last night. Why couldn't I forget him even for just a while?

Future wife? Whatever came into his mind that he said that? Was he ever in his right mind?

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