A/N 2

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Let's take a stroll down memory lane with the video on top. Can you still recall from which scenes of this novel these lines are taken? Haha, just trying to have some fun with you... and just want to reminisce all those irritating scenes with you!!! Haha!


Okay, done watching it?

Now, let's get down to business... hehe...

Finally, my first Wattpad novel Engaged to the Heartless Heartbreaker has its curtains falling down and I can't believe it. It seems just like yesterday that I was starting it... and, now, is it even true that I've just finished it? (Please, somebody pinch me!)

From this novel, I've discovered and realized a lot of things. The following are just a few of them:

FIRST, Most of us are hopeful when it comes to LOVE. Though we are hurt and shattered, still we cling to that small amount of hope in our hearts that the person hurting us will still find some time to realize our worth. I just knew it because most of you, while reading the first half of this, hoped that Nigel would come to love Thea back. We hate him but we still have that hope in our hearts.

SECOND, I love Althea and Nigel. Though they are fictional characters but they hold a special place in my heart. I want to believe that they are real people... so they can be a living testimony that it is possible to love only one person throughout one's lifetime... and a proof that forever does exist.

THIRD, It will take me a long time before I'll be able to move on from my ANGEL. ***Sigh***

FOURTH, Just pursue your dream, never stop, and believe that you can. To be honest, I've been apprehensive at first of posting this story here with the fear of being criticized. But how can we tell that we can do something if we don't take a certain risk? So, I said to myself, "Never be afraid of criticisms! They are the ones that help you!" Hence, one day, I decided to post the first part... then followed by one update, then another update... At first, there were just very few readers... until they became a lot... and now, thousands...

FIFTH, Never be afraid to eliminate a chapter that doesn't feel quite right. Well, just a trivia... I have written five long chapters intended for this novel that I decided to exclude. Though I spent a lot of efforts on those scenes but because I felt they don't just feel right, I just keep them to myself. I don't regret I didn't post them... because if I did... Oh, no... just don't ask me about it...

SIXTH, I have the most amazing readers in the whole wide world... Guys, you're there supporting and you've never been judgmental of me. Yes, you judge and hate my characters (and I'm even loving it... because Nigel and Althea were really designed to be hated and criticized in most parts of this novel) but you don't include hating the author. You criticize the characters but you never give negative remarks directed to me (Well, at least for now... hehe) You only made suggestions or corrections, you never bash me. For that, I feel really, truly amazing. THANK YOU, GUYS! LOVE YOU ALL!

SEVENTH, When readers make votes or make comments that they love the story or when they add the story to their reading list especially the one that is labeled Faves/Favorites/Best and the like, it's what keeps the author pumped up. It's an amazing feeling I can't truly describe it!

EIGHTH, Readers' thoughts and opinions are very helpful. Some of you might have noticed that I keep some of your suggestions by actually carrying it out in the story. Hope I make you happy.

NINTH, It is indeed possible to gain friends in Wattpad. Because of this, I love Wattpad even more. Because of Wattpad, I come to meet amazing, wonderful people from the different parts of the world.

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