~Chapter Six~

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"BEEP BEEP" my alarm went off, letting me know that the Saturday morning had finally arrived.

I groaned before switching it off and returning to sleep.

I was walking happily down the street, the roses shone and the birds hummed. The grass glistened and the sun torched the park.

But there was a dog. He was so lonely, so tortured, so sad. I strolled to him but he shifted away from me. I hurried to buy a bone.

I offered and he took it. He was so stubborn so selfish. He didn't want to give it to any other dog. He didn't want to be hurt.

A female dog ran over to him and sat in obedience to wait for him to give it, to share.

He barked at her. He bit her. He growled in frustration.

The female dog felt hurt and annoyed and so she left him. Days passed and I again strolled in the park. The bone had now been out of use. It had no taste and the poor dog felt lonely and hungry again.

The female dog also felt the same and I decided to spend my money for her.

I bought her meat this time but instead of eating it she offered it to the other dog.

She liked him and she knew deep inside of him, he liked her too. They found love and despite the fact that they had no home, they found homes in each other.

I woke up to the sound of muffling in my bedroom.

Who was it?

I didn't want to open my eyes so I stayed still. My dream was amazing and somehow reminded me of me and Maxoni. Surely, it was about us, right?

"Sleepy head, your mum is caling you." Maxoni's morning voice woke me from my sleep.

I grunted ignoring him.

"Get up, bitch." His voice turned angry and soon I rose up.

"What?!" I snapped. That's when I realized that Maxoni could see my messy morning hair and face.

He laughed, clutching his stomach.

"You're so hideous in mornings!"

"Zip your mouth, jerk." I muttered and made my way to the bathroom.

Why do I care about what the jerk says about me? It's not like I have feelings for him. I just think he's hot and rude.

But why do I care so much? Why does it feel like his words are punches to my heart?

I finished brushing my teeth and washing my face and so I entered my bedroom.

Only to find Maxoni on my bed looking through my diary.

My diary.

Oh hell nah. He did not just....

"....and then I found out that Kevin liked me back so I kissed him with all my girl power and made my way to bed, tagging along with Kevin." Maxoni read one of my private pages out loud, a huge smirk plastered on his face. He faced me and his evil smirk grew bigger. "Hi Strawberry. Nice diary you got there. Who is Dino? Aw you're ex? Too bad, you didn't deserve him anyways." His smirk, his mouth and his darn hotness just made a pile of anger in me.

I wanted to shout at him, to punch him, to kill him. What he said to me hurt me so much. He didn't know who Dino was. He wasn't my ex. He wasn't my boyfriend or anyone like that. He was more than that.

Maxoni reminded me of that memory. The memory that I have been trying to forget for years.

I bursted into tears. The rain forming a flood on my face.

"Aw, little Strawberry is crying."

This just angered me more. I wiped the tears quickly and yelled at him.

"You are a nobody! At least I have a family unlike a poor boy like you. You have no one! You're just an accident which is why you have to go looking for people to live with! You are the bottom of importance."

I said every word out loud. They seemed good but I felt too harsh. Of course he was somebody and he wasn't an accident.

"Wow. I will leave next Thursday, if that's what you want. Never wanted to live here anyway." His smirk had been removed and his tortured and hurt face returned. He shook his head once more before walking out of the bedroom.

"Maxoni!" I called but he already left.

I obviously didn't mean anything I said. I just felt like saying something back at him to pay for all those words he said to me.


I headed downstairs, feeling awfully bad for what I said to Maxoni.

The beautiful smell of mum's delicious pancakes swithered its way through my nose, making me forget about what just happened.

I skipped down the stairs ready to eat but I was called by my mum.

"Darling, come here a sec."

I sulkily dragged myself to the kitchen.


"Breakfast is almost ready. Do me a favour and go call the boys. They seem to be busy upstairs."

I gulped. Calling dad is easy but Maxoni?

"Sure." I simply replied before climbing up the stairs.

"Dad?" I called.

No answer.

I opened my parents bedroom to find my dad watching a show on his iPad with earphones on.

I pulled them out from his ears.

"Breakfast is served."

"Oh erm, hm, ok." He replied obviously struggling to resist watching whatever was on his iPad.

I chuckled begore exiting the room.

My heart beats sped up as I took a step closer and closer to Maxoni.

He was currently in the guest room. I swang the door open and welcomed myself in.

"Mum's calling you." I folded my arms and just stood there, next to him.

Maxoni, being the ignorant jerk he is, plugs in his ear phone into his ears and started singing to himself quietly.

"Cause I'm nobody, nobody, nobody. You don't love me cause I'm nobody, nobody, nobody." Nodding his head and tapping his feet, he hummed the rest of the song.

I rolled my eyes because I knew the song was indirect to me.

I exited the room and walked down the stairs. I was upset and I felt cruel but I tried hiding that.

Well done for doing so!

Mum eyed my face and knew, within seconds, that I was not okay.

"Honey, whatever happened to my baby?!"

I just shrugged knowing there's no point of lying now.

"Come on, you could tell me anything."

Her arm relaxed over my shoulders as she pulled me to the dining room, where breakfast is served.

"I kind of, maybe, tinsy-winsy, perhaps, little bit insulted Maxoni."

I knew mum would yell as she knew her job would be taken from her.

"What?! How-what-when....what did you say to him?"

I told her everything and she did burst. She was mad because this is her favourite job and she knew that this could lead to trouble.

She rubbed her eyes.

"Maxoni will have to stay." Her eyes changed to pity.

Something tells me that there are other reasons as of why she wants Maxoni to stay.

There has to reasons and I really want to find out what.

A/N: Hope this book is good.

You know what to do *wink*.

Love you,

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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