Day 24: Goodbye forest and farewell Mr.Littlewood

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SoTotallyLitleWood 360 Project

Day 24

Goodbye forest and goodnight and goodbye Mr Martyn Llittlewood.

Note 1: This isn't going to be long because I was writing this and it was going so well but then the page refreshed, for goodness sake.

Note 2: Thanks to @universal-free-shipping on tumblr for the prompt.

Note 3: Title inspired by the wonderful and depressing movie 'Goodnight Mr. Tom'


Toby was a human - a human who lives in a magical world what has elves and forest spirits and all them other things in, it was a magical world but still looked like a place where a human would grow up and nurture trust - his friend Martyn Littlewood was a forest wood elf spirit with a secret, when Toby dies he regenerates but he remembers how he dies because of scars left behind, he can't remove them scars they're stuck forever with him, Martyn is a elf spirit who dies when the forest dies and this is the story of exactly that.


Toby woke up one day and got dressed and ran to the forest to visit Martyn, Martyn was knelt on the floor sobbing with something in his hand, Toby walked up to him and knelt down next to him, "What's up Marty?" Toby asked.
"Oh Toby, hello..." Martyn replied sobbing he was mumbling his words because he found it so hard to get them out.
"What's up-" Toby was about to ask until he noticed Marytn's finger, it was fading - it was invisible and you could only just make out the tip of the finger - the nail part. Martyn dug up a hole in the ground and placed the item he was holding in the ground whilst crying. Toby looked over to see what it was. It was a baby tree - a sapling. Martyn was the king of the saplings because according to Martyn himself that's what the trees and plants call him - 'Martyn, the sapling elf." but Toby had never heard them because he was just a simple human. Once Martyn was done he called, "Goodnight little sapling. Grow strong down there in plant heaven." which means one thing - a sapling had just died but Toby still didn't understand why Martyn only had 9 fingers now, "Toby... did I tell you what happens when a plant or a tree dies in this forest?" Martyn asked,
"No.... I don't recall you doing so." Toby responded, Martyn stood up and grabbed Toby and they went to go sit on a log and Martyn told him, "Basically... the forest is dying. It's august time and next month will be winter - leaves are falling of trees and plants are dying. It's getting cold now a days and they're finding it hard to live. When ever a plant dies... I die to. It's hard to understand I realize, but sometimes you've just got to roll with it - and by die, I mean I wont die yet but sooner or later I will die." Martyn stood up and stood in the middle of two trees arching a bed of flowers. "When all this dies and becomes nothing I will disappear without a warning... I'm a forest wood elf spirit. There's nothing for me to live for if the forest dies. I'm sorry... but that will soon happen." Martyn said, tears came to Toby's eyes and he started crying, "but... can't you regenerate because the forest will come back alive?" Toby asked crying.
"I don't think that's possible. Whenever a new forest is born a new elf spirit is born, that's the way things work." Martyn said, he held his hand in front of his face and touched his disappearing finger making it completely vanish.

Toby collapsed onto the floor and shouted, "Why earth why!? Why do I have to regenerate but not Martyn!?" He shouted his eyes crying furiously. "I don't understand.... it's a magical world!!!! Why don't you come back?!" Toby asked, sobbing still - his eyes were so sore from the tears but he didn't care.
"Toby... you regenerate because you were born to make friends with every elf spirit because of your life and soul. You're a special human, your kind and great and overall a wonderful person. I love you so much. I promise." Marytn said, he went over to Toby and knelt down hugging Toby and Toby hugged back twice as tight - he didn't want to let go of Martyn.


Over the next few weeks, the forest died even more. The trees wiltered because they lost strength and eventually died. Toby saw Martyn every day, but since Toby lived directly on the outskirts of the forest he saw it from his window - the ghost of Martyn he was still there but not as visible as much, he was only just there. Toby visited Martyn more then ever in the last few weeks.


The next two weeks, the forest was gone and a voice called to Toby, "Toby... it's me. Come to the forest." The voice was indeed Martyn's. Toby went to the forest and there Martyn was, he was just a floating head with some arms and his legs were there. He didn't have much of anything left. The trees were gone and only a few flowers were left, "The forest is dying... I don't think I'll be here tomorrow." Martyn said but then he took his headband of his head and wrapped it around Toby's also kissing his head. "Be good, Toby. I love you so much and thanks for believing in me... I want you to be happy and please keep smiling because it's important you do." Martyn told him, the last flower wiltered and then Martyn disappeared, Toby ran into the ghost hugging it. Martyn kissed Toby - that was his last and first scar from Mr Martyn Littlewood. The ghost faded and disappeared and then once again there was no forest, it was just a grey area and dark at that. "Thank you for looking after Martyn.... our friend." a baby flower spoke, the last little flower - a baby Bouvardia was there. It was tiny and obviously planted a few days ago. A Bouvardia flower represents life and a chrysanthemum flower represents death and them two were the last two flowers and that was it.

That's all she wrote.

Goodnight Mr. Littlewood.

Thanks for protecting our forest!

// END.

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