Chapter 2

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I sighed dreamily as I unpacked my suitcase. All I could think about was the boy I met on the plane, Will. He was extremely funny, and seemed nice.

I could tell he was wearing contacts, and that his hair was dyed, same with his friends, but I didn't say anything. I knew that if we ever grew close that he would tell me himself.

This camp would be great for me. I had always loved singing, it was my passion. After I moved out, all I had was singing to fall back on. I would enter as many competitions as possible in hopes of getting noticed.

No, I didn't want to be famous, but it would be nice to have some sort of income. The only thing that keeps me going is my savings account, which is slowly, but surely, fading into nothing.

I shook those thoughts out of my head, and continued to unpack. The next two weeks are for fun, and fun only. No thinking about the bad things.

When I was finished unpacking I made my way to the mess hall (cafeteria) for dinner. When I entered I spotted Will and I smiled. He was in line and I quickly got in line behind him. "Hey there stranger," I said and he jumped.

Will looked at me and put a hand over his heart, "Oh my, missy you could have given me a heart attack. Then who would be there to make fun of your pittiful apples," he said in mock pain and I grinned cheekly at him.

"Of course good sir'. I shall never sneak up on you again," I said pretending to salute him and we both laughed.

I grabbed a slice of pizza and a bottle of water before sitting at an empty table, Louis right behind me.

Soon enough his friends joined me, and we joked around. They were all really nice people. I wonder what it was like to have true friends.

Sure, most people liked me, but I don't have a single friend. In fact, I could consider a fellow singer of mine an enemy, Erin.

She is always finding a way to embarress me during competitions. Ripping my clothes, sabotaging my microphone, and spreading rumors. I don't let her get to me, though, I'm a bigger person than that.

After dinner I left to go change into my pajamas for the bon fire. The first, and last night of camp there is always a huge bon fire where everyone sits around a large fire on logs and tell stories, or sing.

I slipped on a pair on long, cartoon carrot pajama bottoms that were white with cartoon carrots all over them. I paired it with a tight orange tank top and frog slippers.

I pulled my long hair into a ponytail and removed any trace of makeup from my face. Smiling I walked down the gravel toward a clearing in the forest.

There were about twenty people, not many got the opportunity to come to this camp. I found the guys on a log and walked over to them.

When I got close enough Will jumped up and pointed a finger in my direction, "Ha, so you do like carrots!" he said and we earned a few weird looks. I grinned, "Why, of course not. These are only to mock the carrots and how awful they are," I said and he sat down while pouting.

I laughed and sat down inbetween him and Eddie, another one of his friend's middle names. The fire was big and we joked around until the councelors came.

"Alright, today we will be taking volunteers to sing. Anyone up for it?" One asked, but nobody raised their hand, so I shrugged. "I'll do it," I said and the councelors smiled at me.

"Hey Eddie, could you pass me that guitar?" I asked him and he nodded and handed me the amazing instrument. I tweaked the cords to get them in tune and began playing.

I played one of my favorite songs. If I Die Young by The Band Perry. I played this song when my father died, and I love the song.

I carried all of the tunes and let my fingers graze across the strings effortlessly. I've played this song so many times, it has become easy for me to play it.

By the end I was smiling. It was silent before everyone cheered for me, of course Will was the loudest. I blushed slightly and set the guitar down.

Eventually everyone settled down and began chatting again. "You were great," James said and I smiled. "I didn't know you could sing like that. It was amazing," Jamie also told me and I grinned then.

"Thanks guys," I said and grinned at all of them. I shivered involuntarily when it began to get chilly. I noticed something warm wrap around me, and saw that Will had wrapped his red hollister jacket around me.

I smiled at me, "Thank you," I told him and he grinned at me, "How could I not with you wearing carrots afterall," he said and I laughed.

That night was spent joking around with the guys, and really getting to know them. I've learned that Eddie was the flirt, Jamie was the quiet one, James laughed at anything and everything, Z was fit and knew it to so I considered him to be very vain, and Will was the joker and most caring one in the group.

I couldn't help but noticed that all of us were close right away, and I hoped it would stay that way.

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