Above the Truth, Beyond the Lie

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Louis Tomlinson P.O.V.

"I can't believe she bribed the judges, just so she would win," my girlfriend, Erin whinned as we left a local karaoke bar. She had entered the weekly competition, and lost...again to a girl named Charlotte.

Erin's told me all about Charlotte, and how she treats Erin. I couldn't help but hate her more and more with the things Erin has told me, and the guys, about her.

All of us agree that she is a horrible person. She bribes judges of all of her competitions, sabotages other people's things, and is always picking on Erin when we aren't there.

I kissed Erin's forehead and smiled at her, "Don't worry baby, atleast me and the lads know who the real winner is," I told her and she smiled at me.

I sighed in thought. I hate having to leave her, no not break up, but our band is going to spend the next two weeks in some singing camp. Our manager says that it would be good for us to meet with other singers.

Luckily, nobody knows the other's identity, that's what makes it even more fun. The lads and I always dye our hair and put in colored contacts for the camp, though, so only the owner of the camp knows who we really are.

We're leaving in a hour, so I talked casually with Erin while we walked toward the airport. It wasn't to far, only one mile, so it wasn't bad at all. Erin, though, kept complaining about how her six inch heels were hurting her feet.

It wasn't like I didn't love her, but sometimes she can be incredibly stupid. When we reached the airport I gave Erin a long kiss before having to leave her. "I'll call you soon, baby!" she purred to me and I smiled, "Of course, bye love."

I departed through security toward our gate number. There I spotted my four best lads. "Hey guys," I said and they smiled.

"Hey Lou, say good-bye to your girlfirend," Zayn said with a wink and I laughed. "The next two weeks are going to be amazing," I said and everyone nodded. "I will miss the screaming girls," Harry suggested with a grin causing all of us to laugh.

We had already dyed our hair and put in the contacts, so we looked completely different.

Harry had blonde hair, and brown eyes. Zayn had light brown hair, and green eyes. Niall had black hair and nearly black eyes. Liam had dirty blonde hair, and blue eyes. I now have black hair and emerald green eyes.

When our plane was called, we quickly got to the gate. We were going on the camp's private plane with a bunch of other campers.

The plane, I will admit, was nicely sized. The seats were in rows of two, so I ended up sitting to a different girl, who looked nice. "Hi," she said and smiled at me.

I smiled back, "Hey," I replied and smiled back. "I would tell you my name, but that would be against the camp rules," I said jokingly and she laughed, "Ditto there, but you can call me Charlie, it's a nick name, so nobody knows my real name," she said and I grinned.

 "Cool, I guess you can call me Will for now, it's a middle name." I told her and she nodded. While the plane was taking off I took in her looks.

'Charlie' had wavy brown hair that ended just above waist, hazel eyes with gold surrounding her iris, and a great body. She was wearing jean shorts, a black tank with a dinosaur on it, and converse. Overall, she looked great.

During the plane ride we spent our time chatting about absolut nothingness. It would be about random things that we would just think up, but it was the best conversation I've ever had.

"O c'mon! Apples are so better than carrots!" she protested in a fake mad voice, but I just smiled and shook my head. "Carrots are, and always will be, the best food out there," I replied in a mock voice and she smiled at that.

"Apples are red, carrots are orange. Orange isn't as cool as red," she said.

"Carrots come in mini, and large sizes."

"Apples taste good with caramel,"

"Yeah, well carrots are still better,"






"Ye-" I was about to protest, but got cut off by a voice clearing behind me. I turned and saw the guys standing there with smirks on their faces. I looked around and noticed nobody else was there. "Plane landed?" Charlie asked and they nodded.

"Well...Apples are still better,there's nothing else to it," she said as we stood up and I laughed. "Whatever makes you feel better about yourself," I said and she grinned. "It does make me feel better, thanks for caring!" she said in a sarcastic voice.

All of us laughed. "Guys, this is Charlie. Charlie this are my friends. You can call them whatever, it doesn't matter. Guys from now on I'm going by Will, which is apparently a completely stuck-up and posh middle name," I said jokingly cause Charlie to laugh.

The guys nodded at her and we left to get onto the bus that would take us to the camp. There, I was smilingly happily at all of the trees around the camp. Charlie must have noticed because she grinned, "Yeah, I know. I love all the nature too. I find it very comforting," she said and I smiled at her.

I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. She told me about her father dying, and her mom not caring. She lives by herself in a small apartment, and only got into the camp on a scholarship thanks to all of her sining competitions.

The bus jerked to a stop, and my face lit up. Here come the best two weeks of my life.

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