SOTC: just a little bit: kids of 883
Scott walked through the boys locker room, dragging his feet with him. He slowly started taking off his gear as he neared his locker, leaving him just in shorts. Allison's dad was a hunter. That's all Scott could think about. The girl he has an enormous crush on, her dad kills Scotts kind.
While Scott was in his mourning daydream, Stiles walked in the boys locker room passing Scott, who was leant up against the locker. Stiles did a double take, looking back at Scott.
"Did you apologize to Allison?" Questioned the buzz cut boy.
"Yeah" Scott breathed.
"Is she giving you a second chance or-?"
"Yeah! All right. So everything's good" stiles shouted, walking away with a fist bump.
"No" Scott sighed. Stiles stooped walking, looking around the corner of the locker again.
"Remember the hunters. Her dad is on of them"
"Her dad?"
"Shot me"
"Allison's father?"
"With a crossbow" stiles opened his mouth slightly before speaking.
"Allison father-"
"Yes ! Her father!" Scott shouted. "Oh god" he mumbled, fear falling over his tanned skin.
"No,Scott. Snap back. You okay? Hey, all right? He didn't recognize you,right?" Stiles asked whimpering Scott.
"No" Scott mumbled "N-no I don't think so."
"Does she know about him?"
"Oh,yeah. I don't know. What If she does? This is gonna kill me ,man" cried Scott.
"Okay, just focus on lacrosse" stiles spoke pushing Scotts stuff at his chest. "Okay, here, Scott. Take this, take this, and focus on lacrosse for now, okay? That's all you gotta do, yeah? Lacrosse, here we go!"
"Let's go!" Shouted coach "one-on-one from up top"
Tori walked across the grass of the field, watching the boys race around the platform. She pulled her cardigan tighter around her slim frame, boots clicking on the metal steps of the bleachers.
Once she was seated, she pulled her small ear buds out of her Jean pocket, sticking the proper end into the bottom of her phone.
Tori opened her music app, pressing shuffle on her playlist. Boyfriend by big time rush played through the small earbuds, Tori humming along to the catchy tune.
She Loved this song. It was newer, as it only came out this year, but she knows every single word. Not only was the song amazing, but big time rush is her favourite show. She made Jackson watch it with her all the time. She is a child in a teenagers body.

The other Whittemore (1)
Fanfiction**this is very old, and dies nit reflect my writing now ‼️ Tori Whittemore thought she had her life under control. She had great friends, a great adoptive brother, and adoptive parents. So when she is in the cemetery-by the local woods-and runs into...