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SOTC: Something Big~ Shawn Mendes


Tori looked up from tying her purple bowling shoes-size 6-feeling a presence beside her. Her eyes travelled to stiles, his own green shoes in hand.

"Hey" he mumbled, rubbing his palms on his jean-covered kneecaps. Tori didn't answer him, but finished tying her shoes.

"When is the last time you've bowled?" Stiles asked again, another attempt to get Tori to talk to him. But, to Stiles dismay, Tori got up, walking away from him. Stiles was quick to grab her wrist. "Talk to me" he pleaded, pulling her down gain.

"Why would I talked to you?" Tori hissed, clenching her jaw. "When you lied to me"

"I did it to protect you" Stiles spoke, grabbing her hand to hold. "I thought that if you knew, you'd have a higher chance at getting hurt" he sighed. "We didn't want to hurt you"

"If you didn't want to hurt me?!" She whisper-shouted, brining her face closer to his. "It's way too late" Tori tried to get up again, but Stiles refused, pulling her back down.

"Tori" he huffed. "Can we just forget about it, for tonight" he pleaded. Tori clenched her jaw, looking away from the buzz cut boy. Stiles softly, but hesitantly, put his hand on her cheek, bring Tori to look at him. "Please"

Jackson watched Stiles interact with Tori, and he did not like the way he was touching her face. It was disgusting. Jackson wouldn't admit to himself, but he didn't like the idea of Tori falling in love, she was his little sister-not by blood-but, by Heart. He also new, that stiles Stilinski had a huge crush on Tori.

"Tori" Jackson shouted, making Tori and Stiles look at him, Stiles taking his hand of her cheek.

"What?!" Tori screeched, not in anger, but in scare. Jackson's powerful voice made her jump.

"Did you umm, get your shoes" Tori happily threw her left leg up into the air, displaying the purple foot slips. Jackson chuckled as Tori brought her leg down."Okay, just making sure"

Lydia stood at he front of the alleyway, pink ball in her hands ready to toss. Jackson being the show off he is, stood behind Lydia, one hand on her bowling ball hand, the other on her butt. She giggled, both of them tossing the ball down the alley. Gutter.

The couple chose another pink ball, getting ready to roll again. The pink sphere rolled down the lane, knocking over three pins as it reached the end.

"You're so bad at this" mumbled Lydia, walking back to there seat.

Allison was up next. She picked up her chosen purple ball, throwing it down they wooden lane. Strike. Allison happily walked back to her seat, high-fiving Scott on the way.

"Your turn Tori" Jackson smiled. Tori walked slowly to the lanes, picking up an orange ball that he opened to be there. Tori was not good an bowling. She was good at many things, mid you, like reading, writing, drawing, skipping rocks, he'll she was even good at skipping. But bowling, she can not do. There for, she has never knocked a pin down. Ever.

Tori brought her ball to her chest, swing it back then forward. The orange ball rolled down the alley it was meant for, slowly sliding into the gutter. She huffed, walking back over to the balls.

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