The Choice Of A Soldier

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"No, we must attack now!" I shout in frustration. It is morning, and the rising sun filters into the small room through a dirty window. Most of the light comes from a candle that sits in the center of the small table. Seated around the table is Jonathan and Simone. Amos stands off by himself in the corner, listening in but not adding much. Ann sits next to me, and despite the fact she is not a captain herself, and worse a woman, her presence here isn't questioned.
"We need to attack now," I repeat, "while his garrison is still somewhat weakened."
"Ee is not ze only one who was weakened by ze attack," Simone reminds me, "I lost nearly twenty men in my attack, and you lost over 'alf your own crew no?"
"All the more reason to attack now," I counter, "Cerberus is resupplied by the crown, he can have as many soldiers and supplies as he wants if given the time. He out numbers us, but he can only grow stronger while we weaken."
"Why fight him at all?" Jonathan asks, "he has nothing that we need. The only reason to attack would be revenge, and quite frankly captain, I do not want to risk my ship and crew for such motive."
"Cerberus started this Jonathan, not me," I say sternly, "he knows where we are, and he will be coming. He started it, and now it's up to us to finish it. "
"Is it though?" He continues, "is it really up to us? We can sail wherever we choose, the ocean is big, we can run. Let the law deal with that scum, and we can escape."
"Let the law deal with it?" I ask in shock, "how did the law treat you last time you tried to run? They tried to hang you! And the ocean is large, but not large enough for him. No, we can't run. We need to deal with him now, or else he will hunt us forever." Ann leans in next to me to add her piece.
"Will is right, he won't stop until he's killed us all. You weren't there Jonathan, you don't know what kind of man he is. The things I saw in that prison....." She trails off and shudders at the memory, "I think I would have been better off in the hands of Salt."
"I urge cation and consideration with zis issue," Simone says, "but whatever you decide, Seventh Star stands with you. Zat is what Captaine Fitzgerald would 'ave done."
"I do not even have to ask the crew," Amos says, "Dauntless is ready to fight." I look expectantly towards Jonathan, who sits in an uncomfortable silence.
"I am sorry captain," he says finally, "I can't join you, not this time."
"Is this your final choice?" I ask. He nods.
"I'm afraid it is," he replies, "I wish you good luck Will."
"Good luck Jonathan," I reply, and watch him walk out of the room. Amos takes his seat, and looks at me expectantly.
"So what do we do now?" He asks.
"Now," I say, "we kill Cerberus."

The cold morning mist chills my face as I take a sharp breath in. It's November, and even in the Caribbean, the mornings are chilled. The water is unnaturally calm as I gaze upon the water from the quarter deck. The stillness in the air has put the entire crew on edge, as they soundlessly attend to their duties. Not far behind, Seventh Star follows in our wake, just as quiet. The only sound is the creaking of the ship and the whistling of the wind. I feel a presence walk up behind me, and a soft hand is placed on my shoulder.
"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Ann asks softly. I sigh.
"I don't know," I answer honestly, "in truth, I'm not sure if any of us are ready. The odds are stacked against us, we're out numbered and out gunned. Simone was right when he said that we are weak." Ann leans into my shoulder and looks out across the sea.
"You're right about all of that," she says, "except for one thing. We are not weak, because we have a strength that Jack could never hope to match."
"And what's that?" I ask, genuinely curious as to what we had that he didn't. Ann looks up at me with her beautiful eyes, and lays a gentle kiss on my cheek.
"Love Will," she tells me, "this ship is held together by a love and devotion that men like him couldn't even fathom. In the end, I believe that love is a more powerful than any weapon could ever be. And that's why despite all his men and guns, Jack never stood a chance against you Will." I smile at her words and pull her closer.
"Thank you Ann," I say, "thank you, for always believing in me."
"Land Ho Captain!" The lookout shouts. I look away from Ann and stare into the mist. Sure enough, a dark shape begins to make itself seen, slowly fading out from the fog like an evil beast.
"There it is," I mutter, "Black Stones. We're back."
"But this time," Ann says, "we won't leave in defeat." I nod, then start to shout out my orders.
"All hands, run out the guns and hoist the colors! Today is the day that Jack Cerberus dies!"

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