Chapter 1

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Remedya Innegelli (Raven Simone)----->

I Was In another One of My Lonely Worlds Enjoying the Small Lake In Front Of My Aunts House, Listening To Asher Roth “His Dream” And Drawing a Picture Of What I Saw Across The Lake.

A Couple Was Spread Out On The Other Side Of The Lake With A Picnic Blanket. And Somewhere Inside, I Longed For That Relationship. But I Knew It Was Wishful Thinking. No Guy Was Ever Going To Fall For A Girl Like Me. As A Junior In High School I Have Never Had A Boyfriend.

I Once Had an Admirer Named Logan in The 9th Grade. He Was A New Kid At The School And My Freshman Buddy. He Was Nice And Sweet And I Got The Butterfly Feeling In My Tummy Whenever He Was Mentioned. That Ended When He Was Mocked For Hanging Out With Me.

“I Think It Has AIDS,” A Sophomore by the Name of Garrett Said.

Logan Must Have Realized This Because He Joined In On The Laughing.

Humiliated I Asked To Be Switched To Another Freshman Buddy Who Happened To Be Lawson. Logan Is Now the ‘It’ Boy on Campus. But Somehow When I See Him, I Wonder If He Still Feels The Same Way.


I Was Jerked Out Of My Flashback As A Hand Shook Me.

“Remedya Innengelli?” The Voice Yelled.

My Vision Cleared And I Could Make Out Soft Brown Eyes, Equally Soft Brown Hair, Tan Skin And A Lean Body.

“Yeah.Yo! What’s Up Lawson?” I Said Confused.

“We Were Supposed To Meet At The Park At 4:15 To Get Our Summer Workout In. Its 4:25. Your Late.” He Said.

“My Bad Son,” I Said Looking At The Watch On My Cell Phone.

“You Had Your Cell Phone?” He Asked.

“Yeah” I Said Picking Up My Notepad And Coloring Pencils.

“So I could’ve Called or Texted You?”

“Umm, Yeah” I Said Walking With Him To His Car.

He Shook His Head and Opened The Door To His 1992 White Acura. “So, First We’re Gonna Run around the Lake with 30 Second Run, 30 Second Abs.”

“Ugh, I Can’t Take Anymore Running Or Ab Work Outs Lawson, Can’t We Just Do Bar Tending?”

“Nope,” He Said Clicking His Watch. “Now Run Bitch!”

There Was No Getting Out Of This Run.  I Tried To Remember As I Ran Why The Hell I Chose Lawson To Be My Trainer To Get Fit For Senior Year.

It Was About 2 Months Ago When We Were Discussing Our High School Bucket List:

“I Have Nothing on My List Done, Son” I Cried As We Talked Over the Noise of the Loud Obnoxious Lunch Room.

“Well, what do you have to do?” Lawson asked talking equally as loud.

We found a table outside by the Senior Courtyard, but not in the Senior Courtyard. We All Know What Happened To Kyle Washtberg.

       “Everything,” I Said Taking A Bite Out Of My ‘Burger’, No Matter What Anyone Says, Lunch Room Food…Is Lunch Room Food. “I Haven’t Completed Anything I’ve Set To Do.”

       “Where’s Your List?” He Asked Taking A Bite Of His Homemade Lunch Complete With A Pulled Pork Sandwich, Chips And Pasta Salad In A Pesto Dressing. Lawson’s Dad Is A Chef. Can You Tell?

       I Reached Into My Star Wars Backpack, That I Had Been Constantly Teased About, And Pulled Out My Tattered Multi-Colored Notebook That Looked Like It Had Been Through The Storm.

       “Damn!” Lawson said looking at my notebook. “That book is older than my grandma.”

       I laughed cause Lawson’s grandma was not that old. “I’ve had it since I was 6,” I said to him. “It’s filled with everything I said I would do before I turned 18 or finished high school.” 

       I handed it to him. He got a very amused look as he skimmed through my list and chuckled to himself.

       “Yeap,” he said handing it back to me. “You’ve got big dreams kid.”

       “Help me son!” I cried to him. “I’ll feel completely worthless all next year if I don’t accomplish half of this list.”

       “You come to me, and you say: "Lawson McGee, give me justice."” He said biting into his apple imitating The Godfather “But you don't ask with respect. You don't offer friendship. You don't even think to call me Godfather”

       I stared blankly at him trying my hardest to withhold my laughter. He stared back at me; mouth full of apples bites to make that puffy cheek thing Don Corleone had. And we sat. Staring at each other until one of us broke. I was the king of this game and therefore, like always, Lawson broke first releasing the contents of his mouth onto my tray, face and shirt.

       “Mother-” I started but was cut off by the bell.

       “Bye!” I said and ran away never really answering my question as to if he would help me or not but being here today, I think I got my answer.

       The rest of the workout went back and forth between Lawson yelling at me to pick up my pace or yelling at me to do more crunches for my ‘Beyonce body’ as he put it. Besides being only 5’7’’ and being friends with me, Lawson would easily be one of the ‘It’ boys at our school. He had milk-chocolate brown eyes, with tan-olive skin and a strong jaw and slightly bulbous nose. He wore his light brown hair in the Cristiano Ronaldo Mohawk with the three little lines in the side, and it always seemed like he stepped out of a wind tunnel. He was funny and athletic and very musically gifted even if he denied it himself. He was Lawson.

       And I was Remy. The nobody; spending time alone draw pictures of life in love and working to achieve perfection on this dreaded educational system/prison we call High School. By the end of senior year, if Lawson was still my only friend…I will be forced to live with 23 cats and spend my days away from my job, which is still undecided, watching the Young and the Restless. 

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