Chapter 3

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Kairos Myerson (WENTWORTH MILLER)<3---->>

“Did someone get lost on their way home?” Robin said in her thick New York accent stepping towards me. “I believe you’re in the wrong place,” I took a step back from her. She was tall and even taller in her 4 inch heels. She towered over me like Yao Ming over Spud Webb.  

       “I was just leav-”

“You were just what?” she yelled getting the attention of the whole house now. She looked at me in disgust as she said, “You don’t belong here” she flicked my nose making my glasses move slightly off my face but I dare not fix them. “Why don’t you go home and watch your stupid TV show in your little pajamas and cry about your pathetic life,” she was just inches away from my face.

“Whoa ladies,” Lawson said from behind me wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me tight into his side. “There’s enough of me to go around,” he looked right into Robin’s eyes as she had backed away from me. “Why don’t we just calm down,” he said.

       “Lawson,” she said facing him. “Don’t bring your toys to the grown up parties,” she then looked me square in the eyes as I sunk further into to Lawson. I should’ve stayed home “They might break.”

“I’ll remember that Robin,” Lawson said giving her a look.

She then walked away as I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

The party went back to normal and everyone seemed to forget mine and robin’s exchange. “Hey, Hey. Look at me,” Lawson said grabbing both sides of my face and making me look at him as a tear rolled down my cheek. How can she be such a bitch to me? I didn’t do anything to her! “Nope,” he said pulling me outside the house to the far area of the front yard. Once we were alone I couldn’t help as the tears rolled down my face. “I’m sorry Remy, I should have been here when you pulled up,” he cooed in my hair rubbing my back.

“What did I do to deserve her to treat me like this?” I asked no one in particular. “I haven’t even said anything to her in over 4 years!”

       “She’s a bitch,” he said plainly when I pulled myself together.

“No,” I said throwing Lawson off guard. “No More!” I’m not going to take this anymore.

“She’s not gonna be able to make me cry like this again!” I said confidently!

Then hurt turned to anger. Well, kinda.

“YOUR ASS WAS SUPPOSE TO MEET ME HERE!!” I yelled at him getting up from where I was sitting, hitting him. “WHERE THEY HELL WERE YOU AT?”

       He was silent and I suddenly knew. “Oh! That’s just great,” I said walking towards my car leaving him. “You go play hanky panky while I get humiliated in front of the whole damn senior class and some underclassmen!”

       “Remy,” he said grabbing my arm stopping me but I jerked it away.

       “No! I’m going home! You better hope for your sake that WWE fixes my mood before tomorrow.”

“Love you,” he called after me like more of a question than a statement. But I didn’t care to answer. I had just been humiliated in front of the whole school.

“I’ll call you tomorrow,” I yelled back at him. But I probably wouldn’t get the chance. He’d probably stop by the house before  he went home from the party with some food as an apology, which I would gladly take, and we would talk until my Aunt Andromeda woke-up and told us crazy cosby kid to go to bed.

As I finally got to my car and turned the key excepting the engine to start, it didn’t.


I got out of the car, slammed the door shut, screamed at the blasted thing and kicked the side door until my foot was numb. “Why me?” I asked the sky as I leaned against the driver side door. “Is it fuck with Remy day or something?” I slid down the door until I was sitting on the ground. “For once, I want to have some good luck! Can I find a penny heads up or a four-leafed clover?” I pulled out my phone about to call Lawson, when I remembered he was probably playing handsy with Tori. Who else could I call? I briefly thought about calling my Uncle Ezra, but dismissed the thought after I looked at the time. Guess I was waiting here until Lawson left the party.

After about 15 minutes of going back and forth with myself trying to figure out why in the world I had agreed to come to this stupid thing, I heard footsteps behind me. I looked up to see the figure of a man with a wrench in his hand.

“Oh great. Humiliated and killed in one night. Perfect!” I said to the sky. “Sweet Jesus take me now!”

“Umm, Do you need help with your car?” a voice said.

“Yes!” I said scrambling to my feet. “I thought you were going to-“

I didn’t get to finish as I was struck by the most beautiful features of a man ever. About my age with hazel eyes, more pale green than brown, a strong jaw line and a very pretty strong and pointy nose.

“Unholy Hell you’re beautiful,” I said without knowing it. “Shit!” Damn Remy! Pull it together!

       “Umm thanks?” he said.

       “Sorry please…just forget that,” I said embarrassed. “Yes I would like help with my car”

       He chuckled a very beautiful chuckle, “Okay, My name is Kairos by the way. Kairos Myerson.”

“Remy,” I said shaking his hand. “Remedya Innegelli”

“Well Remy,” He said making his way to the hood of my car. “Let’s see what the problem is.”

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