Chapter 21

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Karlie is sitting in Taylor's living room, reading a book and waiting for Tree to stop by.

Being back in New York has been relaxing to both her and Taylor, even though the flight there was everything but. They were both hoping for a nice and relaxing flight, but the noise from the engines and the constant change in air pressure turned the trip into a true nightmare for Taylor, who alternately cried and threw up from the time they took off until the time they landed.

For Karlie, the flight was relatively okay, but seeing Taylor so distressed without being able to do anything about it was upsetting, and she silently cursed the paparazzi who had done this to them. Not being able to properly hold her girlfriend, she spent the flight sitting next to her holding her hand and making sure she stayed hydrated in between her nausea spells.

Taylor was exhausted by the time they got to the apartment and spent the next two days in bed before she managed to muster up some energy to get her life going again, only interrupted by a trip to the hospital to get her stitches taken out.

Now, five days after they left LA, they are meeting up with Tree to talk about the last two weeks.

Karlie hears soft footsteps from the hallway and puts her book down on the table just as Taylor walks into view. She walks over to Karlie and sits down next to her, kissing Karlie's good shoulder.

"How are you feeling?" Karlie asks and puts her arm around Taylor, pulling her closer.

"Tired," Taylor replies, "but I feel like I'm slowly getting back to being me again."

"That's really good," Karlie says and kisses the side of Taylor's forehead. "Maybe that means we can send my mom home soon. I am starting to need some alone time. It's not that I don't appreciate her being here, we wouldn't have managed on our own, but I'm getting a little antsy."

Taylor laughs. "I totally understand what you mean. It's going to be really good to get back to normal again."

Their conversation is interrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing.

"I'll get it," Tracy calls out from the kitchen.

The girls get up and make their way to greet Tree in the hallway.

"Hey girls," she says, smiling at them. "How are you?"

"We're pretty good," Karlie says and returns the smile.

"I brought us some donuts," Tree says and holds up a small box.

"Yum!" Taylor exclaims happily. "Did you get the kind with sprinkles?"

"You know it."

"You're amazing," Taylor says and grins. "Let's get started then."

They walk back to the living room and sit down. Tree places the donuts on the table and Taylor greedily opens the box to grab one.

"Here," she shoves the box closer to Karlie, "have one."

"Oh God, no," Karlie says. "Are you aware of how much crap I've been eating lately? I haven't been to the gym at all either."

"Oh, come on, Karlie. You know you want to."

Karlie chuckles as she considers it. She is really tempted to reach out and get one out of the box, but she already feels like she's going to have to double her efforts when she's well enough to exercise again. Shaking her head, she shoves the box back towards the middle of the table.

"Maybe later."

"You snooze, you lose, Karlie," Taylor warns teasingly.

"It's okay, you can have mine," Karlie replies, rolling her eyes lovingly.

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