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(Reader POV)

I made it back to the apartment complex to see urushihara standing outside. His gaze lit up when he saw me, only to darken when he saw Marx. I immediately saw his front of arrogance go up as he approached us.

Completely ignoring me, he asked him "and who the hell are you?" "Im Marx." He replied holding out his hand for a handshake. Urushihara just stared him down. Marx pulled his hand away. "O....Kay then?" He then turned to me. "Come on, (y/n), let's go find the landlady about the apartment" at those words urishihara's gaze snapped go mine. He had a peculiar look on his face that seemed to have many different emotions on it. "Umm Marx, why don't you go ahead. I need to talk to urushi for a moment." Marx nodded and walked off.
(Urushihara's POV)

As the crimson haired guy turned to walk away I stared after him. Who the hell is he anyways? And why the hell is he talking about moving in with (y/n)? What's his goal with this.... If he lays a D*MN hand on her he's going to wish he'd never been born.

Contest for cover is still open. Also I'm sorry I haven't posted recently. My phone took a crap and I just got a new one. XD thanks for ur support.
                       -SAV and guess

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