Chapter 9 Point of No Return

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"It appears that we have struck a bit of space debris." Aldrich sounded off as you attempt to collect yourself once more.

"A bit?" You reply back from your place on the floor, an undertone of sarcasm in your voice.

"I am assessing damages now." The droid leans forward in his seat and begins pressing seemingly random buttons, having not been fazed from the collision. He doesn't halt his movements when he spares a glance over at you.

"Your heart rate has accelerated and your blood cell count is moving far too fast to keep track of. The raise in blood pressure should make you a bit dizzy. I advise you to sit and buckle up."

He turns back to the controls, his rusty hands moving as quickly as his body would allow him.

You set yourself back in the copilots seat, reaching over your shoulder and puling down the buckle.

"It appears we have been caught in a planets orbit."

"Can we break away?", you ask, concern lacing your voice.

"I believe that would be ill advised, we have lost too much fuel to press ourselves through the planets gravitational pull. We will have to make an emergency landing if we are to make it to the mother ship."

"Wait. We have the opportunity to stay away from the ship that will potentially enslave us both and yet you still want to go?" You feel your temper shortening. There was no way you were going back to the horrors of being alone with only a voice echoing in your mind.

"There is likely a bigger punishment should we not arrive. It would safer for you to go. I wouldn't want my first specimen to be killed so early on in my research." He turned back to the controls, the conversation not appearing to interest him in the slightest. This only made you even more angry, yet you felt so confused. 'Why would he care so much for my safety?' You let this question rebound in your head before you spoke up again.

"I think I'm flattered? But that's not the point." You leaned towards Aldrich, attempting to at least get him to look at you. He must understand what it would be like to be lonely.

"Then what is the point may I ask?" He scanned over the buttons in front before pulling a stainless steel lever to his left. He had no interest in the subject of this conversation but he would be willing to listen to you. Perhaps he would learn something from you.

"The point is that I don't want to go back into a room with nothing but four walls and a literal shit hole in the ground!" Your barely able to keep your aggression under wraps, attempting to grab at his arms but deciding it was best not to, you could hurt yourself. His arms- or rather, what was left of them were not seen as the safest to hold into. You lowered your voice, perhaps reason would work...

"We could stay on this planet! You and Me.- and, who knows, maybe we'll find others." You pleaded.

This caught Aldrich's attention.

"Others? Like... other humans?" His head slightly tilts to one side, intrigued at the new development. 

With this new interest, it sparks hope in you. "Yes, and maybe even other droids like you."

But with this statement Aldrich turned away, his body making a whirring noise similar to that of a computer monitor.

Taking note of this reaction, you silenced letting him process the idea.

"I am not sure." He said plainly. "My orders were to get you to the ship but-" His head jerked slightly, as his legs jumped.

You grow increasingly worried, you've only known the droid for no more than a day or two. Yet, you've developed a bond with the emotionless machine. If somethings wrong with his circuits, you don't think your able to help.

"A-Aldrich? Are you alright?", you speak hesitantly.

Aldrich doesn't respond for a few moments only jerks around, causing blue sparks to flutter about. His hands have left the controls settling on both sides of his head.

"I-I... Nneed- Maintenance." He says just above a whisper before turning to face you. His mouth twitches as he speaks. "N-no need to worry, I will b-be... as you humans say, alright. Ijustneedtorepairmyself...." He spurts out all at once before black smoke begins to cloud around his orange and brown form.

"What can I do? What do you need help with? Aldrich talk to me, please." The rising panic causes your heart to ache, the beat like that of a drum.

"I-I must... land. My circuits are out of order- I have malfunctioned. This is why I was disposed of."

'Disposed of...?' You think with brows furrowed.

The planet itself has grown increasingly closer and its contents show that of a junk yard. The colors of the rainbow, reduced to faded and blackened colors in the heap of mess. Mounts of filth tower over smaller mounds as the planet becomes ever closer. The ships just outside the atmosphere.

"What do you mean disposed of?" You ask incredulously.

Aldrich does not respond and focuses on the controls once more. "Please, hold on. I will not be capable of landing smoothly."

You do your best to shut up as the ship begins its hurtle towards the junkyard.

Aldrich's hands and legs twitch and fritz as he asks you a question through a hollow voice. It sounded like he was a million miles away. You didn't catch it.

The planet has now shown the colors of orange and black, or was that just the ship burning up? You were shoved into the seat of the chair as your body pressed your internal organs against one another. A furious pain caused you to tear a yell from your throat.

Then all you saw was a white light and the force of gravity pulling your being back to the ground, causing your head to be yanked down. But in an instant it was gone and replaced with weightlessness before the cycle repeated. The ship eventually skimmed before slowing, leaving a rut of blackened junk in it's wake. Plastic bags took flight, landing on the front of the cracked shield. You forced your eyes open, having not even noticed they were closed. You felt your heart in your throat as a high pitched ringing sounded through your head. You blinked hard as you turned your head slowly towards Aldrich. You saw nothing but black smoke in the way. 

You took in a small breath, coughing on the new smoke that invaded your lungs. 

"A-Aldrich..." You called out to him, waving the black smoke away with your free hand, while the other unbuckled you from your seat. When he gave no response you reached out to him, lightly tapping his shoulder. You retracted your hand quickly, a sweltering pain struck your fingertips and rose up your arm. He was smoldering hot. 

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