Silly Winter Cuddles

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Today, everyone stayed inside, after all it was quite cold outside unlike before as it snowed in a moderate amount. But the two that were enjoying the inside the most, was the devil and god. Etihw kept saying it would make them happier if Kcalb would sit beside them and share each others blankets. But Kcalb would deny everytime they asked, wanting to just sit and watch the snowfall as he drank his hot chocolate, although, he didn't mind it as much as he led on.Etihw, being a little stubborn, tried to convince him it would make them happy, they insisted and bugged him. Kcalb still never gave in to their request, thinking they would tease him about blushing and being nervous. However, that wasn't Etihw's intent, they really just wanted to be close to him while they had some sort of reason to. "come on Kcalb, it isn't the end of the world!" they had insisted once more. Kcalb denied their request for the 15th time "no Etihw, I'm not going to go over there."They had gotten an idea as he said that sentence. he didn't have to come over here, but they could go over there. ​They then got up, taking their hot chocolate and blanket with them as they then sat down in his seat beside him, getting as close as they could to him and placing their drink down. this, of course, caused Kcalb to turn a dark orange that covered his face. "eti I t-told you no!" They gave a grin "you didn't say I couldn't come over here, you just said you wouldn't go over there." Kcalb thought, curse your loopholes
Kcalb didn't mind the closeness, especially since they weren't teasing him. He wrapped his black blanket around them, calming down as he blush faded a bit, but left a small orange color on his cheeks. Etihw, on the other hand, had a red color over their cheeks and nose, becoming a bit shyer their self. They smiled brightly and warmly before giving him some of their white blanket and snuggling his shoulder happily.He just wrapped an arm around their shoulder and set his head on their's, the corners of his mouth pulled up a little as he enjoyed this quiet, shyer Etihw. Happy that they figured out a small loophole thanks to their stubbornness. before closing his eyes. Eti at this point had fallen asleep against him, maybe, Kcalb thought, maybe I should give in a little more often.

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