Silvi x Wodahs (Flower Crowns) OC X Canon

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i couldn't resist uploading the over 1,000 word story for my oc silvi and wodahs, so if you don't like that, Don't read this!!

  Silvi, the she-devil of the flame world, was sitting in a patch of flowers in the gray world, despite the flame world and gray world having the extreme battle recently, silvi had been able to slip into the world over and over undetected since she was always waiting for no one to look, she would always come to a patch by the forest where she could sing and make flower crowns in peace. what she didn't realize is that a certain angel was watching her silently from the pathway behind her.

Wodahs's POV

i was going to check on some of the flowers in the garden, since yosaf likes to take the flowers i usually have to go back and plant some more, i heard someone humming and thought it was yosafire, but i was surprised to see a strange demon or devil maybe, sitting in the flowers. she didn't seem to notice me so i decided to see if i could get her to see me without me talking to her or maybe hear her say a world she came from, since it didn't seem like she came from here.

after a few minutes i didn't get an answer to either question, so i decided to speak out to her. "hello, who are you and where do you come from?" my voice seemed to startle her as she jumped at my voice as she looked back me, with eyes like fire, or like Ivlis.....

Silvi's POV

i heard a voice sound behind me, "hello, who are you and where do you come from?" it sounded monotone, no emotions in it, and when i looked back, i realized it was the head angel wodahs as i heard. "u-um...My name i-is silvi, i come from the f-flame world....." i realized i was shaking in fear since i heard ivlis had attacked kcalb, the angels elder brother......

Third Person
the angel glared at the devil after hearing the words 'flame world' "relation to ivlis?" the female devil shook more "y-yes, h-e is m-my elder br-other" the devil was terrified of him, fearing she would given to the god and devil to.... she couldn't of that. "b-but i me-ean no h-harm!!" the angel was then confused "brother locked me in my room and said if i helped he'd kill me......."

Wodahs walked over to her, causing her to shake more. but he sat beside her "as long you hurt no angels nor demons, i guess you can stay, but you must leave at some time before tonight, and don't let the two deities find you." "i-i won't" Silvi said, calming down a bit and picking the unfinished crown she had, her starting to work on it again. wodahs watched silvi make the crown, wondering more about her and wondering if she could fit in here, since she seemed extremely peaceful.

every day the two went to same spot when they knew yosaf wasn't there or anyone else. eventually the two developed crushes on each other, but were always to shy to admit it to other.

~a few months later~

Wodahs walked off to the spot he and silvi usually sat at. his heart fluttered when he thought of her now, he could feel his face heating up so he stopped thinking of her to keep himself from blushing when he got there, but he did have a small present for her. the present was just a small little plushie he made, it was just a little kitten plush he knew she would like since she would always talk about how she loved animals, especially cats.

Silvi was making a crown as always when he arrived, and he decided to sneak up on her, just to see if he could scare her this time, he almost always failed and when he apologized he could give her the plushie and maybe even a kiss? 'no, i can't do that, not yet, just the plushie' he snuck up to her, then grabbed her arm and screamed 'BOO' in her ear, he scared her like he planned and she jumped back until she realized who it was.....

Silvi's POV

i jumped backwards when my arm was grabbed and i was screamed at, but then i realized it was just wodahs, my.. crush. " W-WODAHS! how dare you!" i screamed at him at the top of my lungs, but he just chuckled and sat beside me "if i give you something will you feel better?" i blushed a bit thinking he was actually going to give me something. "depends on what it is"

I felt my face get hot and knew i was blushing, and blushing HARD when he gave me an adorable little purple and red cat plushie "this is adorable wodahs!! Thank you! i am all better now!" i almost screamed and squealed with joy at the plushie as i hugged it, then i hugged him, Wod was blushing almost as much as i was when i let go of him "it's almost as adorable as you!" i saw his face turn red when i said that. he's just so cute~ <3........

Third Person

Wodahs suddenly took a hold on silvi, pulling her close to him, causing her to blush darkly and wildly as he looked at him "w-wodahs, what are you-" "shhhh silvi. I've been meaning to tell you something" that caught silvi's attention so she closed her mouth and stared into his eye, but she didn't notice him pull her closer until she noticed they were right up against each other. "i-i... i don't know how to say this other than..... i love you silvi"

Silvi didn't have much time to react as his lips were against hers before she had a single chance to speak in a response. 'he's kissing me! is this a dream or is it real!? think fast, think fast!!!!' she finally kissed him back, softly and gently. they kept kissing until they needed air, and even if they didn't want to, they pulled apart. both of their expressions showed relief as they looked away then back at each other shyly "love you to wodahs~ <3" the she-devil purred. they sat and cuddled and watched the sunset until silvi said she should leave, but wodahs insisted she come and stay at the castle and that he would make kcalb and etihw let her in, she could still go see her brother iv but she could also come down to stay with them in the castle.

in the end everyone became accustomed to silvi and let her stay, mainly because wodahs said so ;) and the two of an odd couple never left each others side ever again.  

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