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I was in the middle of Spanish class when I heard someone take a breath. "Hello," I heard a British voice say. I glanced at the source of the voice confused, there was no one in my class that was British. The person kneeling next to my desk was thin and had blondish hair. "Um, who are you?" I said. "Oh come on. You know who I am. You've read all of the books I'm in." The stranger said. "And what books are those?" I said starting to freak out because no one near me seemed to notice him or even me anymore. "Really? I'm pretty sure you know who I am." He said. "I do." I said taking a shakey breath. "Then who am I?" He asked. "You're Newt from the Maze Runner. But how are you real? Wait maybe I'm dreaming. Maybe you're not real at all." I reached out to touch him to see. He looked at me confused but me hand was already on his shoulder. I looked incredulously at my hand and then passed out.

A/N: The chapters will be longer I promise. Sorry if you get confused while reading this. The chapter will say who's POV it is and some chapters will say if it happened already but from a different POV or if it is a sort of continuation of what happened in a different POV. Sorry that's confusing in just the explanation but I hope you'll understand and like it.

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