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"WHERE IS SHE?!" No one, and I mean no one had ever seen their shunned brother as angry as he was the day Gabrielle disappeared.

"Somewhere you'll never find her. We warned you, Lucifer. You didn't listen. We had to take our own...precautionary measures."

"YOU WILL TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!" He roared, his true face flashing from beneath his beautiful human one.

"We will do no such thing." Anenadeil told him. "We under strict orders."

"From Daddy Dearest?! Let me talk to him."

"We can't, Lucifer."


"And we're telling you, you can't!" Gabriel stepped forward. "Leave this place, Lucifer. You're not welcome here."

"You will all pay for this. YOU'LL PAY!"

And believe me, they did. None of them expected Lucifer to do what he did. Word got out where they had placed her, and he left hell to go and find her.

Los Angeles, California.


"Come on, Gabby! This club is the hottest club in town." That was Angela, my best friend since like, ever. She was definitely the party type, always wanting to check out the latest club or listen to the hottest artist. Her dream in life is to be an actress, but she hasn't landed her big role just yet.

"So? I'm sorry, but watching half naked girls dance around while being hit on by some drunk sleezebag isn't really my thing."

"Well, too bad. Executive decision, you're going. You need to get yourself out there, girl! you're drop dead gorgeous, and need to use it to your advantage."  I rolled my eyes.


"And I'm getting you ready too." I rolled my eyes.



"Come on!" Angela dragged me down the street, her hand clamped around my wrist

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"Come on!" Angela dragged me down the street, her hand clamped around my wrist.

"I'm walking as fast as I can!" I snapped. We heard the loud roar of an engine. We turned and saw a vintage, black car zooming past us. Then, all of a sudden it was as if everything moved in slow motion. I made eye contact with the driver, and it was suddenly like every part of my being was on fire. His face remained neutral, and a beautiful face it was, but something behind his eyes put me on edge. He zoomed past and Angela tapped my arm.

"Do you know who that was?!"She asked.

"No...but I want to find out."

"That's Lucifer Morningstar. He owns the club, and he was totally into you!" I rolled my eyes yet again.

"I don't know...there's something...weird about him. Maybe this isn't a good idea."

"Oh, come on. Please." I sighed.

"I hate you."

"You love me." 

"Whatever." We stood at the end of the line, but the bouncer waved us up.

"Curtosy of Mr. Morningstar." He said once we were in ear-shot. He lifted the rope for us and we made our way in.

"Told you. He totally checked you out."

"He did not. What are you waiting for? Go on! Mingle! I'll get drinks."

"You're the best, Gab."

"Yeah, yeah." I felt the presence beside me again, sending my entire body into hyper drive.

"Where have you been?" The Bartender asked.

"Oh, holed up in a chateau, copulating with a young woman named Faith. It's ironic, isn't it?" That voice... I've heard that voice before.

"You little devil."

"Two scotches please." I said, disrupting their conversation.

"Oh, it's you." He greeted.

"Charmed." I said sarcastically. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" He hesitated.

"No...but I know you. You are the stunningly beautiful girl from outside. Tell me, what is it you desire?"

"To get my drink and go back to my friend, thanks."

"Ooh, feisty. I like it."

"Ew, I can't believe you just used that line."

"Lucifer Morningstar."

"Gabrielle Jacobs." That was the last thing we said before suddenly, everything started moving in slow motion. My eyes widened and I looked at Lucifer and the bartender. "What the crap is going on."

"I think you have a visitor." I looked over to the door to see a man in a tunic walking towards us.

"Get out of here." Lucifer told me.


"Now!" I ran for the door, running down the street, as fast as I could in heels. I stopped in an alleyway, leaning against a wall, my hands on my knees, trying to regain my breath.

That was the first time I saw Lucifer Morningstar, and the first occurrence related with him that I couldn't explain...but it sure as heck wasn't the last.

Not by a long shot.

Touched By An Angel( A Lucifer Fan-fiction) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now