Chapter Two: 2Vile

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I sat at my desk, flipping through the case file. My phone buzzed.

Following a lead. Care to join me?

Who is this?

Lucifer. Morningstar? I froze upon reading the name and that warm, electric feeling filled me again.

Where to?

I'll pick you up. Police Station? No. I can't. This isn't logical! I'm going to follow a lead with a man I just met, that isn't a cop! There's no way in heck I'm doing this.

Yup. Or maybe there is.


 I climbed into the car, buckling my seatbelt.

"Hello to you too." I turned to him.

"Who the heck are you?" I asked. He pulled out of the parking lot and into the street. "There's something weird about you. I know there is, and I'm going to figure out what."

"Well, I'm the Devil so if that counts for anything." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"The Devil? You can't actually expect me to believe that."

"I am. And you, my dear, are one of the first angels. An Alpha to put a name to it."

"Oh my gosh, I'm in a car with a crazy person. Why, ever, did I think this was a good idea? Oh wait, that's right, I didn't!"

"I always had that effect on you. You didn't want to admit it, but you couldn't resist me."

"Quite talking about me like I know you! You have no idea who I am!"

"What about the slow motion? In the club last night? The angel?"  I froze, turning to look at him.

"What angel?"

"The one that came to the club last night."

"Yeah, no, I got that part. That was an angel?"

"One you used to know quite well. Amenadiel." I shook my head.

"I'm gonna get murdered, aren't I? You're a serial killer and you're going to murder me."

"No, no.  Even if I wanted to, Heaven would never allow it." I slammed my forehead down on the dashboard.

"What have I gotten myself into?"


We walked up to the door and I rang the doorbell. A man in a suit and gloves came to the door.

"Good afternoon, sir. Ma'am."

"Yes, we're here to see a 2Vile. Is he here?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, Miss, he's unavailable. He's in mourning, I'm afraid." I reached for my badge.

"Well, I'm with the-"

"We have narcotics for him." Lucifer said, stopping me from flashing my badge. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Right this way." I slapped his arm.

"What the heck are you doing?!"

"Just follow my lead."

"Follow you lead? You have no idea what you're doing. You are not a c-" He cut me off with a hand over my mouth.

"Don't say that word in here. me, alright? That's all I ask." I nodded and we walked into a room. Rap music blared through the speakers. "Can someone please turn down this God-awful music?! Hello, Disc jockey?! Thank you."

Touched By An Angel( A Lucifer Fan-fiction) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now