Horse Charmer - Chapter Two - Part Three

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Cassia tried to ask her mother about what the village elders had said several times after the funeral was over, but Sarahann told her to let it alone. Duty called and for a while her questions were silenced. She had to receive countless people and accept their condolences during the funeral feast.

Now, she had plenty of time to think about their comments as she stared up at the ceiling above her bed. The tears rolled down her cheeks. She rarely had a moment to be alone, truly alone, without handmaidens, guards, and all the other people always there. In the few spare minutes she'd had during the past week she'd headed down to the barn. With the horses she could just be, and the grief didn't threaten to overwhelm her when she was with them.

But she'd been caught today and sent to her room until her next set of courtly duties. Cassia sighed and wiped her cheeks. She didn't want to be with people, but she also didn't want to be alone. She sat up and pulled the cord hanging by her bed. Ula and Yaffa stepped from the dressing room.

"The Vesperan party is due shortly," Cassia said. "Please select something appropriate for me to wear."

Yaffa ducked back into the dressing room while Ula unbuttoned and untied the bows on the dark gown Cassia wore. Stripped of the dress, she sat down at the vanity in her petticoat.

Ula touched up her hair and clucked in disapproval. "You have barn dust in your hair again."

Cassia smiled slightly at the reprimand. She rested her chin on her hand and watched Ula comb the dust out of her hair. She couldn't see the dust Ula was tsking her about. Now if she'd had dark locks like her mother she could understand the concern, but since her hair was too dark to be blond, but too light to be considered brown, it was the perfect color to mask the horse dirt. She scrunched her nose at her reflection and let her mind wander.

Her sleep was filled with vivid dreams of racing horses high in the mountains and an uneasy feeling or presence, she woke up tired instead of rested every morning. She wasn't ready to face a Vesperan. Sarahann had lectured her, yet again, on her manners and duties and how imperative it was to not say anything reckless to the Vesperans, especially King Erich. Cassia had been shocked to learn he was a part of the party.

Yaffa backed out of the dressing room carrying an elegant black gown with a high neck and layers of silk in the skirt. It had to be one of the heaviest dresses Cassia owned, but was probably the most appropriate for what she was about to do.

"This one?" Yaffa huffed a little under the weight of the fabric.

Cassia nodded in answer and Ula tugged her hair to reprimand her for moving. Ula began the slow art of wrapping coils up and around Cassia's head. Yaffa arranged the dress on the bed, preparing it to put on Cassia. She snuck a quick glance at her mistress.

"King Erich is coming?" Yaffa asked.

"Yes," Cassia answered.

"They're bringing news," Yaffa hesitated, "on King Robet?"

"We can always hope," Cassia said curtly.

She didn't speak of her father with her handmaidens. She didn't speak of him to anyone but the horses. Ula frowned at Yaffa and gestured her back to the dress. In quick order, Ula had finished tidying Cassia hair into an artfully arranged upsweep that looked like it would tumble down in a gentle breeze. The dress wasn't nearly as easy to get on. The two handmaidens carefully lowered it over her head and then set to work tying the dozens of ribbons that would fasten it around her body. The twenty pound dress weighed heavily and matched her mood perfectly. She straightened her shoulders at Ula's tsk and grabbed the bed post as they pulled in the ties on the waist. Cassia took a tentative breath to make sure they hadn't tied them too tight.

A royal guard escorted her downstairs to the welcoming hall and she sucked in her irritation. Like she'd get lost in her own palace. The real reason for the guard was to make sure she didn't make a detour to the barn or not show up at all.

Sarahann looked up as Cassia descended the final flight of stairs. She eyed her critically and Cassia self consciously touched her hair. She wasn't sure about the new style Ula was experimenting with. After a moment, her mother nodded once in approval and beckoned Cassia to come and stand next to her.

"They'll be pulling into the yard," Sarahann said.

Sarahann pushed Cassia so she was slightly in front, the proper place for the head of the royal family. Cassia tensed her shoulders. She didn't want to be the first person to greet them. She couldn't take her cues from her mother if she couldn't see her. One of the senior chambermaids, Bianca, stood at the window and nodded to Sarahann before stepping to the side of the room.

"Shoulders back," Sarahann whispered.

Cassia straightened her shoulders and her stomach clinched as the sound of a large carriage and several riders coming to a stop just outside the door echoed in. It seemed an eternity before the two royal guards standing at attention at the doors swung them open. The Vesperan party entered in a rustle of finery. She counted six people and panicked. She had no idea who was who. Four chambermaids ducked out the open door to gather any luggage. She focused on the tall handsome man who stepped forward and bowed to her. Sarahann poked her in the back. Cassia curtsied.

"Welcome King Erich of Vespera," Cassia said, praying she was correct.

"Thank you, Princess Cassia of Karah." Erich took her hand and kissed it lightly. As his head bowed, she noted the small amount of grey hair sprinkled within the bright blond. He turned to Sarahann. "Queen Sarahann." Erich repeated the hand kissing welcome.

"King Erich." Sarahann inclined her head.

Erich smiled and turned back to Cassia. "I wish we were meeting under more pleasant circumstances, Princess." He beckoned to the youngest member of the Vesperan party. "May I introduce my son, Prince Torr."

Cassia glanced at Sarahann, who tightened her lips. Cassia pasted on a smile to hide her shock. Why hadn't her mother warned her? She curtsied to Torr. He bowed regally. She barely noted he was breathtakingly gorgeous with piercing blue eyes before turning back to Erich.

"My advisors." Erich gestured to two of the four remaining Vesperans as he said their names. "Advisor Tasha and Advisor Petr."

They bowed and Cassia curtsied in return. They almost looked like twins with their identical blue robes. She waited a moment to see if he would introduce the other two, but when he didn't she assumed they were a part of his domestic staff or personal guard and therefore wouldn't be introduced.

"I hope your journey was smooth." Cassia recited what her mother had told her to say. "I'm sure you're all tired after such a long trip and would like to be shown to your quarters."

"It has indeed been a long journey," Erich said with a slight smile. "I'd appreciate a brief moment to collect myself."

Cassia signaled to Bianca. "Show them to their quarters."

Bianca stepped forward and bowed to the Vesperan party in respect. The other chambermaids returned with their luggage.

Erich kissed her hand again and then Sarahann's before following Bianca. Torr held back slightly, his gaze on Cassia. With a smirk, he saluted and followed his father. The family resemblance between father and son was strong. The rest of the Vesperan party trailed behind them. Of the two who hadn't been introduced, Cassia found herself watching the one with the heavy sword leave the room. She hadn't been able to see it until he'd turned to follow his king. The sword signaled he was one of Erich's personal guards. She stood silently waiting for the knot to loosen from her stomach, it didn't.

"Well done," Sarahann said when the Vesperans were out of earshot. "We'll meet with them shortly in the main dining hall."

"Did you know he was coming?" She turned to her mother.

"Yes, word was sent ahead this morning."

"Why didn't you inform me?"

"You didn't need to be distracted. You need to focus on Erich. We can't afford war with Vespera." Sarahann lowered her voice. "Their army outnumbers ours four to one and those are odds we can't survive."

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