meeting jeff

573 13 4

September 4,2006-

jane's pov-

My best friend liu waited for me by the fence near the court yard.He wanted to introduce me to his older brother jeffrey.He never told me that he had and older brother.

"hi jane"

hey liu

this my older  brother jeffrey

"hi nice to meet you im' jeffrey but you can just call me jeff"

nice to meet you too i'm jane

we shook hands OH MY GOD this boy is beautiful.I need to keep myself together i need to calm down but i can't "DAMN" he is so cute.WAIT am i blushing  right in front of him ...i am so stupid why am i feeling this way.I am not gonna tell liu because i think he's going to tell jeff .

"Jane can i speak to you for a second"-liu


you and my brother should hangout today


Because i want you to get to know each other more


WHY liu why would you do this not today come on this is not the time -jane thought

so jeffery your brother said that we could hang out today i that ok


so what is your schedule

*jane looks at jeff's schedule

language arts-math

social studies-science


Advance math-computer tech.

Looks like we have the same schedule


Jeffrey's pov-

WOW this girl is pretty i think i like her i think i know why liu said that we could hangout today because he knew that i would like her.

first period*

good morning jane who is this 

This is jeffrey woods 

well good morning

take a seat

I could see all the girls just staring at me

but i wasn't attracted to them i liked jane alot.

Time skip*  lunchtime 11:00

jane's pov-

"yes finally it's lunchtime"

hey jane-jeff

wanna hangout by the park

sure but we have to be back by 12:00

then hurry lets go

jeff and i arrive at the park*

we sit at a table

so  where is liu

 i think he said he would be with a couple of friends 


so how are you and liu doing-jeff

uh were doing good -jane

we are very good friends -jane

you know what i think

i think we are going to be very good friends too-jeff

so do i-jane

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