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jeff's pov-

"OK what can i do to makeup for for what i"jeff thought walking circles

ooh i got it all take her out in the woods and stargaze

jane is the only person in my life who cares about me so i have to take control of my actions or else i could lose her and i can't do that.

Timeskip* 5:00



"do you want to go star gazing later


finally you've thought of something

time skip 8:00

lets go jeff 

we walk  for 15 minutes until we got to a hill

we laid on  the grass*

ok what do you see ,ok i see ooh orion

ok what do you see ,ok i see ooh orion

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well i see  capricorn

jeff you are forgiven

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jeff you are forgiven

"thanks jane

Love Hurts(Jane and Jeff the killer love story)Where stories live. Discover now