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Leo's POV
"Ah!!" I woke up from my dream ad immediately sat up. It was just a dream and nothing real. Wonshik is still alive. I looked around and noticed, I was in my bedroom. How did I get all the way up here? Surely, I didn't sleep walk... And I certainly didn't wake up and walk here... So how did I get here? Perhaps, Wonshik carried me up here? If he did, then he must be tired. I know I'm a heavy person. I hopped off my bed and realized I was still in my 'outside-clothes'. Now I have to wash my sheets and stuff... Oh well. It was a bit cold inside, so I went to go and grab a hoodie for myself. I slipped it over my head and popped each arm into the sleeves. As I was exited my room, I nearly tripped over something. Or actually, SOMEONE. I looked down and saw Wonshik. He had a pair of jogging pants on, as well as a black t-shirt. His hair was soaking wet and he had a fluffy towel wrapped around his neck. He was also fast asleep.... What an idiot. If he didn't realize that; sleeping on the floor, with wet hair, is going to make him sick.... Then he needs some help. BADLY. I laughed, then I poked his head. "Hey, wake up.."

"Wah? Is it time for breakfast?" Half-asleep, he rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"No silly, you haven't even had dinner yet. But listen, thanks for carrying me up here from the car. Must have been A LOT of work huh?" I grabbed his hands and helped him up.

"Pfft!!! Nah..." He laughed, and so did I because we both know he was such a joker.

"Okay okay... Come on. Let me dry your hair."

"Thanks Taekwoon."
Ravi's POV
After Taekwoon had dried my hair, we both sat down and ate. I know we had a 'date night' planned, but since it got postponed, I have no idea when it's going to happen. I'll ask him again for tomorrow night... To be honest, I was really tired from today. Driving to Taekwoon's grandpa's house, then driving back... Carrying Taekwoon up the stairs and into the dorm... Showering... It was all VERY tiring. I need a nice and restful sleep tonight, but I was wondering if Taekwoon would want to sleep with me. I don't want to do any 'funny business', I simply just want him to lay next to me. "Uh... Taekwoon?"


"After you shower, since your sheets are washing and won't be ready to be laid put on the bed tonight.... I was wondering..." I gulped.

"WAIT! Before you say anything, let me ask you something. Can I sleep with you tonight?"

"Ermmmm..... Yes. That's actually just what I was about to ask you. It's like you read my mind or something"

"Yeah? Good then." He grinned and went to his room to grab his sleeping clothes. He doesn't normally sleep in ACTUAL pyjamas, but he does sleep in training stuff. "Well I'll go shower now. Go fix the bed, I know it's not fixed."

"Yes your highness..." I bowed to him and smiled. As he stepped into the washroom, I went to my room and fixed my bed up. I made it look SUPERB, just for him. The blankets were all straight and the pillows were all fluffed, it was too neat for me. But that's how he liked it, so that's how it shall be. I hurriedly grabbed my sleeping clothes and simply waited for Taekwoon to get out of the shower.

He stepped out the washroom and came into my room. "Want me to leave while you change?"

"Uhh... It's alright. I'll go change in the washroom" And I went to the washroom, took my clothes off and then put in my sleeping clothes. Just some sweatpants and nothing more. I put my dirty clothes in the laundry basket and went to the sink. I looked at myself in the mirror, then grabbed my toothbrush. I put some minty fresh toothpaste on it and added a little bit of water. After I put it in my mouth and began brushing my teeth. Once I was done brushing my teeth, I washed my face and finally did my 'business'. I walked out of the washroom and went straight to my room, to find Taekwoon already snuggled under the covers, playing on his phone.

"Damn Wonshik."

"What?" I noticed he was staring at my body because I didn't have a shirt on. "OH! You want me to put a shirt on?"

"No no... It's fine. I've just never..." He gazed at me for a while, then looked away. "Anyways, thanks."

"For what?"

"For letting me sleep here tonight, silly. I mean it's not every night I get to sleep with my boyfriend."

"Well, if you'd like... It CAN happen every night...."

"Perfect! I'd love that. Now come and lay down with me already." I did as I was told, and laid down beside him under the covers. My head laid against my pillow, but his head laid against my shoulder. He put his phone down and turned the lamp off. "Let's sleep now?"

"Mhmm... I like this Taekwoon. Thank you."

"I like this too. Um Wonshik?"


"Can I ask you something?" He sat up and looked down on my face.


"If we ever happened to... Break up... How would you deal with it?"

"What are you talking about? That's out of the question... Besides, it's not going to happen, I wouldn't let it."

"I know it wouldn't happen, but let's hypothetically, it did. What would you do?"

"If you must know, I'd be really depressed. Like REALLY depressed. I love you too much Taekwoon." He had a worried look on his face, which was creeping me out.

"O-okay. Thanks." Why does he look so worried? It's not like it would ever happen. Is he hiding something from me?

"Taekwoon..." I sat up and wrapped my arms around him. "... Don't worry. I'll always be with you, for eternity." He smiled at me and started to look relieved. "I love you." I pulled his face towards mine and gave him a long, sweet kiss.

"And I love you, Kim Wonshik." We laid back down on the bed and held each other's hand. He put his head against my shoulder again, and dozed off. I slowly closed my eyes, dreaming of Taekwoon. He is my world, my everything. He is my Taekwoon.


Hahahaha.... The last part of this chapter is just SO CHEESY!!!! but oh well...

-stArlight_1993 😄✌

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