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The day passed by so slowly every dramatic moment passing bye like time was coming to a halt. Nathan couldn't understand the emotions he was feeling the questions running through his head. He just wanted it all to just stop, just for a moment, he had wanted to answer every question one by one, he had wanted to understand why Noah kissed him after all hes been through. He had already told Ash, the thought of keeping it from her crossed his mind but she could already see the confusion on his face.

"wow, so..... he,he kissed you" Ash said sounding genuinely shocked

"yea i know he just... ugh, i feel so bad for him, i don't want to go out with him knowing bad things are just going to keep on happening to him."

"well if i were you id take my dads car call Noah over and just gun it, you know, gone with the wind"

Nathan looked at her like she was crazy but then a sense of understanding came across his face he stared at the floor remembering the kiss, he remembered how Noah's eyes sparkled as if he was never really worried about anything, like he knew that him and Nate were meant to be. Nate realized that his thought resembled stories he read in children's books when he was a kid. He looked up to see Noah walk into his class which was unusual because you would think he'd be on his way home by now, or talking to the principle about the crazy situation he was in not to long ago. But no, Noah had come into his class like nothing ever happened, he looked around the room for a bit, then noticed Nathan sitting at the far side of the room.

"oh god, here comes prince charming" Ash noticed him too and didn't sound to happy to see him.

"shut up" Nathan hissed at her afraid Noah would overhear her comment and be embarrassed. Nathan tried to look away and act like he never realized he walked into the room. He suddenly realized out of the corner of his eye, Noah was walking towards him. He thought to himself, what the fuck why is he here? I like him and all but this is embarrassing. Noah eventually reached his desk and put a piece of folded paper in front of him, he smirked and knelt down on one knee so he wouldn't be standing out.

"um.... hi" Nathan couldn't think straight after what happened in front of the nurses office and he honestly didn't want to try.

"hey, i wanted to come by to say thanks.. for you know helping me out. The rest of what i want to tell you is in the note." At that he looked at Ash and smiled. He started to get up but Nate stopped him.

"are you okay, did you tell anyone about this?" Nathan really cared for his well being and was trying so hard to show that he did.

"nah, I cant tell anyone and neither can you." He looked at me with eyes filled with remorse he continued.

"and don't worry about me ill be fine, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?" He looked at Nathan for a couple of seconds with that charming smile, But to Nate it felt like forever. He finally got up and walked out the class quick, trying not to be noticed. When he left the class Nathan swore he heard faint sobs, but he ignored it because no one else seemed to.

The next couple of days Nathan couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. He tried so hard to focus on his school work but he couldn't get himself to concentrate. Luckily enough Noah hadn't shown up to school for four days now and honestly Nathan hadn't wanted to see him because he wasn't prepared for the moment Noah would ask him out. He didn't know what he was going to say, he knew Noah was going through allot at the time and he didn't want to make things worse but either way it wouldn't benefit him because he'd still get bullied and so would Nathan.

Nate was thinking where Noah was, he realized Ash standing outside the school with a look of confusion on her face. She noticed him approaching her, and suddenly her eyes started to fill with concern. She looked towards the ground, preventing eye contact, eventually Nathan reached her.

"hey, Ash..." He trailed off because he was confused at why she had been acting so weird. She looked up at him eyes filling up with tears. He rubbed her arm lightly until she looked calm enough to tell him what was wrong. He waited a couple of seconds and eventually asked what was on his mind.

"OK, what the hell happened"


"is it your cat, your mom, dad?"

"NO, no ... it's... it's No.. Noah" She chocked back her tears and exhaled a breath she seemed to be holding.

"What about Noah, what happened" Nathan became increasingly worried he started to tear up but tried hard to wipe them away.

"Ash don't hold out on me tell me, what happened" he started to raise his voice at her but realized it wasn't going to help.

"Well..... I... I overheard some of the students talking...." She sniffled and gently wiped her nose, she couldn't bare to look at the dread that seemed to come across Nathans face, and decided to look toward the ground. She started again.

 "I.... I had overheard them talking about one of the students... In the newspaper" She started sobbing and held her head low. Nathan frantically looked for a news paper stand but couldn't find one. His heart was pounding and his mind raced. He couldn't control the tears falling from his eyes and pushed back his hair and held his forehead for a minuet. Ash lifted up her hand, and Nathan realized it was today's newspaper. He snatched it from her hand and read the article. Ash couldn't bare to see his reaction so she had already raced off to the bathroom to wash her face and fix the makeup she had smeared while she was crying.

Nathan couldn't believe what he had read he thumbed through the pages nervously. He looked up and covered his mouth as he cried uncontrollably, he attempted to wipe away the tears but they constantly rolled from his eyes as people passed by to enter the building smiling from ear to ear like life couldn't get any better, he got annoyed by this and decided he couldn't handle being in school after what he had found out, but he couldn't go home either because his dad was home that day, probably getting wasted with his sad excuse of a life. He shot up off the floor and ran, he didn't stop running until he couldn't recognize where he was. Realizing he had gone off and gotten himself lost he eventually broke down and cried for hours, he'd managed to put his back up against the wall of an old building, knees propped to his chest, and arms wrapped tightly around them, he dug his face into his arms and continued to cry, he just couldn't stop thinking 'why?' Why would he just leave him like this? If only he came back the day after, he could talk to him, figure him out, prevent this from happening. He looked up from his cotton safe haven, dampened from tears, and noticed a woman staring at him from a window on the third floor and started to feel uncomfortable. He felt stable enough to start walking and managed to get up, he started in the direction he came from, tears still rolling down his face as he fiercely wiped them away, a new hatred formed in the pit of his stomach, a hatred towards the world, towards those assholes that bullied Noah, and most of all toward Adam. He didn't even try to help him, he didn't even try to stop it, he just left and pretended nothing ever happened. He hoped Adam would just rot in hell along with his fucking ego.

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