I'll Kill Without Hesitation

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Michelle's POV

I ignored the person calling my name. I don't need to talk to humans right now.

I walked down the hallways of the airport. My senses are becoming stronger as I walk closer to this thing.

I look up to see a built boy infront of me. I can tell he's werewolf. He has a symbol on his collarbone. Oh mahh godd he is Alpha. I need to bow.

"Good evening alpha." I say as I bow. I look up to see him smiling. My senses are so strong that I can't break it.

I found my mate.

"Well well. Look it's another of our kind. What pack love?"he asks as he takes my hand.

"Dark Mist, yours Alpha?" I say looking at him. He looks like he's around my age. Well just appearance. I can tell he is over three hundred years old. He looks twelve to fourteen years of age in the human world.

"Raining Blood. Your my mate no need to call me Alpha my name is Jerrick." He says kissing my hand. We stopped in the middle of a forest.

"It's been a while. I need to stretch. You know when you don't shift for three months." I say. He chuckles and bends over.He starts shifting and I do too.

Bones cracking, groaning, and growls come from me and Jerrick.

I look over to see a white and brown wolf next to me. His eyes turned from blue to grey. My eyes changed from brown to hazel.

I am a black wolf. A 'shanaka' that means rare. Every eight generations another black wolf will come.

My inner wolf comes out from beneath my fur. I howl and Jerrick does too.

'Can we visit my sister?' I ask through mind link.

He nods.

We sprint our way towards my sister and her pack.

I need to pay her a visit.

We sprint to my sisters pack to be growled at her two sons.

" I need to see my sister you asses!" I say through mind link. They stop and bow. We walk past them and head towards my sister.

I stand behind her and bud her with my nose. She turns around and squeals.

"Oh mahh godd you need to clean your fur. It looks so matted. I will help you with that. Marko I need you to brush my sisters fur. Brush her teeth while your at it." She yells and a old man comes out of a tent and bows.

I growl as the old man pulls on my leg. I swear if he does it again he wont have a leg.

"Sorry shanaka but I need to clean your paws. They are becoming white." He says as he puts down my paw. I nod in understandment.

I walk out of the tent to see Jerrick sleeping. I will let him sleep I need to check on the boys.

"Hey C? Can you watch Jerrick? I need to see some friends. Don't worry I'll come back. And when he wakes up tell him to follow my scent." I say she nods.

I sprint following a mix of the boys scents back to a hotel. A fancy one to at that. I see wolfs walking past me. I howl catching some wolfs. But they are in human form. Three people walk over to me.

"What's wrong shanaka?" A girl with red hair asks putting her hand on my head.

"I need clothes. Do you have extra? It will mean alot." I say through mind link.

She nods and pulls out jeans and a hoodie. I nod and open my jaws for her to put the cloths in. She nods and they walk away. I go into a alley and shift back into human form.

My bones cracked back into place into a small human figure.

"Damn!" I say as a hold myself up on the brick wall.

I dressed myself and dusted off any sort of dirt off my skin.

I walked into the lobby and got into the elevator. I can basically smell them clearly. They're on the tenth floor.

I walk up to their door and knock on it. Louis answers the door and screams in happiness.

The rest of the boys run in after. They have worried looks on their faces. My eyes land on Liam who looks really scared. I walk in and Louis brings me into a hug.

"Ok get off of me before someone here gets killed. I need to tell you boys my secret. But if you tell anyone. I mean ANYONE my people will hunt you down and kill you. Without hesitation. " I say motioning for them to sit down. They sit down and give each other puzzled looks.

Niall stopped eating his sand which to pay attention to my announcement.

"I'm a werewolf."



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