3. Ryder Chance

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Chapter 3 - Ryder Chance

Clarity's POV

I woke up with my back against the wall. But again, oddly enough, the wall had arms? What is up with walls having arms? I mean-

Oh wait, that isn't a wall. That's the Ryder Chance. His arms are currently around my waist, with my back against his chest. Oh lordy cheesecake puffles. I can feel my heart against my chest. The Bad Boy is still holding me from last night. We fell asleep in my bed after I literally cried a river. Oh, that reminds me of that Justin Timberlake song Cry Me A River. I personally don't like that song, it's a little annoying to me. Its basically the same words over and ov-

My thoughts were cut off by Ryder's arms pulling me closer to him. Oh no, oh no, oh no.. I have to get out of his hold. Fast like too. Before I could think, I tried to wiggle out of his grip.

Again, tried. All that did was make him pull me even closer, if that was possible, and groaned. "Dont move, love. Im comfortable. Just lay here for a little more." He whispered in my ear. I nodded and did as told, knowing there was no way out even if I said the world was ending. But what if the world did end? Oh no, I dont want to die. I even told Ryder that! Im not ready, Im not ready to di-

I was again interupted by Ryder. Gosh I am just a rant filled girl this week arent I? This boy will be the end of me, I just know it. He groaned again, and pulled me closer, but flipped me over so that I was facing him. I squealed, but obeyed. He then pulled me back into his chest, holding me around my waist. He started to caress my cheek. "w-what- what are you d-doing?" I stuttered. "Im admiring whats in front of me." He whispered, and then what shocked me more was his next move.

He cuddled his head into the crook of my neck and held me while sniffing in my scent. I wasnt sure what to do, so I just layed there, until he held up my arms and made them wrap around his neck. He smiled against my neck, "Stroke my hair, love. Please." He whispered. And I did just that. I could tell he liked it because he then started to relax even more under my touch. His hair was incredibly soft and adorable with his bed head. We didnt talk, we just layed in the comfortable silence until he relaxed enough to fall back asleep. I was in complete shock.

The Bad Boy told me to stroke his hair, and now he's asleep with his head still in my neck. I looked down, and man can I just say how adorable and cute he is when he sleeps. I layed there looking at him all night until I closed my eyes again. With him still here with me. It was still dark outside so Im assuming its about 2am or something along those lines. "Goodnight again, love." He whispered. Which shocked me a little because I thought he was fully asleep. But I guess I was wrong. I jumped in surprise and he chuckled in my neck, and held me tighter. I could definitely get used to this Bad Boy holding me all night.

It was currently Saturday afternoon and Ryder was still over. He insisted to stay over, no matter how many times I told him no and that he should go home. This boy will be the end of me. I definitely know it.

So here we are now, playing 20 questions. It was now my turn, "Who are you, Ryder?" I said, repeating his words last night. He blinked at me. He stared at me for a little while until he looked down at his lap, and then looked back at me again. I was starting to worry, he didnt have his smirk on his face, he wasnt smiling, laughing, nothing. He looked so.. emotionless. I think I may have asked the wrong question.

"Look, Ryder, if you dont want to answer the question then you dont-" I was interupted by Ryder speaking again. "No, its fine. You opened up to me last night, the least I can do is let you know me." He said. Still emotionless.

"I dont want to force yo-" "shh love, I want too." he whispered. "Okay, but if you want to stop, you can." I said. He nodded, and continued, "When I was born, my mother immediately died. My dad would constantly blame me for it. He said that if it wasnt for me, she would still be alive. And I believed him. And, I still do. There isn't a time of day where I don't blame myself for my biological mother's death. And before you start to assume thing, no, he never hit me." He sighed. He sat there for a little while, and then I grabbed both his hands and squeezed them. He looked at me, and then squeezed my hands tighter. "Then when I was 12, Victoria came into the picture. They got married when I was 14. Im 17, just so you know. But Victoria acts like the mother I never had. She's so sweet, kind, and loving. Im proud to even call her my step-mother.. I dont think I deserve someone such as her to be my step-mother, but Im just glad I have her." He weakly smiled. I gave his hand a tight squeeze and he looked up at me again. I smiled ever so brightly, "Its not your fault, Ryder. Things like that happen, and you cant stop them. She wanted you. She wanted you alive, so here you are, Ryder. Doing exactly what she wanted." I smiled. He returned the smile, and then looked at me with confusion. I did the same and frowned, "what?" I said. "How do you do that?" He asked. "Do what?" "You don't pity me. You don't say how sorry you are for me. And you say the things I exactly need and want to hear. And you dont urge me to tell you about myself. You completely understand that even if I didn't want to talk, you wouldn't pressure But.. How?" I was shocked. Beyond shocked even. I wasn't sure what to say to that. So I said the first thing that came in mind, "Sometimes I know when to cross the line and stop asking questions. And sometimes I also know when someone just needs reassureance instead of pity. Nobody likes getting pity from someone. It's upsetting and only makes you feel and think the worse." He looked at me, blinked, then.. hugged me. He held me close and wouldnt let go of my waist no matter how hard I tried to let go. Not that I wanted too, the most glorious man himself is holding me in his arms.

Ryder's POV

Im hugging Clarity. Why you may ask? I have no idea. I have never hugged a girl in my life.

Other than Victoria of course. Shes the mother I never had, as I said to Clarity. But here I am, hugging the Clarity Charms. "Thank you, love." I said as I pulled away. I didnt want to pull away, but I knew I had too sometime. "You're welcome, Ryder." she smiled. The way she said my name gave me tingles. Gosh, I sound like a fucking girl. What is she doing to me?

And oh no, her smile and beautiful brown eyes are so captivating, I could stare at them foreve-

Wait.. Did I just call her beautiful? No, I cant be liking her. Can I? Oh no, Im starting to like Clarity. What has this girl done to me?
Clarity's POV

Once again, Ryder has decided to spend the night. Might I add, again. He will be sleeping in my bed again. My mother is at work, she has a late shift tonight until 1am. And as of now, me and Ryder are here eating pizza while watching a scary movie.

And yes, Im your stereo typical scared girl in a book.

I despise scary movies, I always jump and get scared. Damn Ryder, I think he knew by the looks of my face when he saw my expession when he chose 'The Conjuring' because he smirked due to my reaction.

Let's just say, I may have been more pale than a ghost when I saw what movie he was holding.

A loud scary part came on and I screamed, shoved my head in my hands, and held my pillow tighter to me. Ryder chuckled and I glared at him. Curse him and his cocky ways.

I screamed once more, until I felt two large hands grip my waist and put them on their lap.

You guessed it, Ryder Chance himself. He held me in his lap and stroked my hair as he focused on the movie. I couldnt help but tense up.

"Love, relax." he whispered, still having his attention to the screen. I then put my head in the crook of his neck and closed my heavy eyelids. "Goodnight, Love." was the last thing I heard before I fell into a deep, warm sleep.

Hello loves!! It's me again! hahah,, Im here to say that I love you, loves, and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and are enjoying this book so far. Goodbye for now, and as Ryder would say, "love".
Don't be a silent reader.

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