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--BEN drowned--

I woke up to a banging noise on the door I groan my head feeling like I was being shit in the head over and over I mutter random shit before yelling.

"Hangover go away!" I hear Jazz yell back.

"Ben jeffs gone missing!" I shoot up looking around my face literally went -_o that idiot put me on the floor again...hehe don't care I whine loudly clawing my way to the door opening the door to see a frantic jazz I run my eyes.

"He probably went killing" I grumble, I remember Jeff got a knife from somewhere and being honest Jeff always goes on a killing pre when drunk so it makes sense.

"We tried all near by towns and even slender mansion he isn't there!" She yells I grumble and sigh.

"Maybe he's smoking I mean you can't have checked everywhere-" she cuts me off.

"Ben you've been asleep nearly all day!" She yells my ears twitch.

"So...." I say bluntly.


I blink a few times and looks back at jazz who had a pissed off look on her face.

"Snap out of it Ben!" I run my cheek and sneer slightly leaning to her height which was only a few mc lower then me, what I'm taller then you guys think but no where near as tall as Jeff.

"This is Jeff the killer we're on about here, you really think somethings happened to Jeff?" I sneer she rolls her eyes and pushes past me walking into our dorm walking down the hall I close the door running after her skidding into my room seeing her on jeffs laptop, how she guessed his password I don't kno- oh yeah -_- his pass is 'Go to sl33p'simple enough.

"Look!" She yells turning to 'creeps online' I click onto what surprised me the most when did me and Jeff make out?

"This is my hangover talking right?" I ask.

"Not the video the comments!" She yells I scroll down seeing the messages my ears tilt down slightly and I feel a familiar black/red liquid slowly seep from my eyes my teeth growling sharper.

"Jef fgot annoyed at this and ditched?!" I yell I hiss and blue pixels surrounds me and I find myself outside I growl looking around.

"Oh look it's the gay boy" I glare at demona who stops laughing when she saw my face I storm over and grab her throat tightening my grip so I blocked her breathing.

"What did you say!" I yell I feel my nails dig into her throat "where's Jeff!" I yell loudly she struggles I drop her and kick her in the ribs.

"Where is he?! Tell me demona! Tell me now!" I scream, I swore that no one would bully me of Jeff and I wanna make sure jeffs okay so if I have to kill my own kind to find him I will.

"Stop it! He's *cough* dark link *cough* saw him *cough* run west!" She yells I stop and close my eyes zoning into the noises around me soon after I hear my loud mouth triplet laughing, link, Ben and dark is you where wondering I growl and glitch to the dining room landing a punch right onto darks nose.

"Wheres Jeff!" I yell he glares at me.

"Why would I tell the guy who just punched me?" I grin insanely.

"I saw your comment so I'm an emo and he's a paper cut eh?" I snicker "you've just joined a game you can't win!" I yell fire appearing in my hands purple fire appearing in his hands the others by now where on either side of the room.

"Oh?! Well then! I challenge you! Now don't go running and passing out in the rain again! Cuz I'll beat you to death even if your passed out! If you win I tell you where I saw him run off to, if I win you have to show everyone in this room your. Scars...and swim in the school pool" I felt my self confidence drop slightly I shake my head.

"Deal!" I scream at him.

--jeff the killer--

I knew they where looking for me, but I had to stay out of sight, I know I know but I have to wait until things die down I hate bullies but killing my own kind would cost any creepypasta their loyalty I know Ben will be pissed at me for ditching but I can't risk me being around him all the time it could cause him more pain then when I was a jerk to him...

I sigh grabbing my phone sitting on liu's bed putting on 'kick me' by sleeping with sirens using the earphones that I'd left being here when I ran that night.

"Well brother I didn't think you'd come back here" I look up seeing HIM leaning on the door way.

"Liu" I grumble gripping the knife that was sat next to me in case he attacked me again he put him hands up and laughs.

"Typical you bro, I'm in no mood for fighting in my own home it could break stuff and that's the last thing I want" I loosen my grip on the knife he sits next to me picking the other ear phone up putting it in his ear.

"Your music hasn't changed either" he mutters I snicker slightly.

"I thought you had school" he mutters.

"I ditched for a few days" I mutter.

"You left Ben?" He asks confused I nod slowly I'm feeling bad for leaving him but...I had to come here and not even Ben knows I still come here.

"Yeah but I'll go back tomorrow I need things to die down, someone dared us to make out and got it on camera and now I'm getting shit for being gay" I grumble.

"Haha! Good on yah then! This song suits this moment in time" he snickers I go to laugh but I find myself on the floor Liu had a knife to my neck....

This asshole stole my heart (Jeff the killer x Ben drowned) {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now