Harvest Moon: Prologue Vaughnx Chelsea

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     A young woman with brown hair and a red bandana tied securely around her head grumbled as music blasted loudly into her ear. Clutching the ipod in her hand she got up from where she was sitting. She turned her head out to sea, "I can't believe they tricked me. . I knew something was up when they said I could go to the school of my dreams. Damn it. . ." the woman banged her fist against the metal bar of the boat and flinched, "Ouch! Ugghhh! I hate this!" She clutched her head and leaned down, her elbows resting on the bars. 

       The Captain, she forgot his name and didn't care to even know, spoke up, "Ya alright? Ya seem a bit annoyed. What's yer name, girl?"

       Sighing, the girl leaned back up and pulled one of her earbuds out, "I'm fine. . .perfectly fine." she said through gritted teeth, "And the name is Chelsea." The Captain looked at her and nodded,

      "Well, Chelsea. It's nice to meet ya. Yer travelin' pretty far from home. Parents alright with that, how old are ya?" Chelsea was getting even more annoyed with all the questions being shot at her.

      She shook her head, "IT was my parents idea for me to go. Let's just say I got 'kicked out'. To answer your other question. . .I'm eighteen." Turning her head away she decided to look back out to the sea.

       Just off in the distance she saw a glimpse of the Island she would soon live at, Looks like we're almost there. . . she thought to herself, painfully. I'll have to find a man named Taro. My father claims to be good friends with him even though I've never met him before. Chelsea got a sudden nervous feeling shooting through her body. Shaking it off she grabbed her bags, preparing to get off.


     “You have got to be kidding me,” Chelsea said loudly when the boat arrived on the alleged Sunshine Islands. Being from the city, this was her worst nightmare. She never cared for the outdoors. She preferred staying inside to read, write and watch movies.

     Everywhere she looked there was sand. There were little cottage-like houses on stilts erected all over the Island. This looks so God-damned kitschy, she thought annoyed. She half expected the townspeople to gather around her with a fruit basket and start singing like the frigging Village People.

          “Okay Chelsea, we’re here. This island is called Verdure Island. Yer gonna need to go talk to Taro on where yer gonna stay. He lives in that house over there.” The captain pointed to a tiny little cottage over on the far left side of the island.

           Chelsea snorted. “Thanks. I’ll do that.” She hoisted her bags over her shoulders, ignoring the offer of help from the captain.

           As soon as she stepped onto the sand, she wanted to go back home. Grumbling to herself like an insane person, she reluctantly walked over to the house that the boat captain pointed to. She knocked on the door and eventually, a hunched over old man answered. “Hello! Who are you?” The man asked, shouting.

           Chelsea winced. Why is he so loud? “Um, I’m Chelsea…” She said timidly.

           “Eh? Speak up girl!” He said, stamping his crooked walking stick on the ground. He was a short man; shorter than her, and she was 5’8.

           “I said, I’m Chelsea,” she replied, enunciating each word slowly.

           The man’s white eyebrow flew up on his forehead. “Chelsea Randall?” He asked.

           “Yeah, that’s me. You must be Taro, correct?”

           He looked Chelsea over and grunted. “Well, you’ll need some shaping up, but I suppose you’ll have to do. Come in,” he ushered the insulted girl into his house.

Harvest Moon: VaughnxChelsea fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now