Three; Growing

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Not edited.

"Stop it"

"What? Stop yelling at me and let me help you or else you'll miss the full moon!"

"Okay Oisín we've figured out that your idea of helping isn't working!" I snapped pushing him back a few steps from the tree I was trying to climb. I had been minding my own busniess starting to climb the base of the tree when I felt two hands on my ass pushing me up, that was forty-five minutes ago and we're still arguing.

I stood, hands on hips glaring at him while he stood half emerged in the shadows with a smirk on his face and a playful gleam in his eyes. He would've looked like a right creeper but the moonlight was striking his face in all the right places making his cheekbones stand out and his eyes to shimmer. I realised I was staring and turned back around to face the tree. 

Coughing to break the tension I turned back to face Oisín who had advanced closer and pinned him with a steely glare. Poking my finger into his chest I said "If you touch my ass again ill decapitate them" I warned as his face twitched hiding the smirk I knew was concealed beneath. 

"oooh okay ms touchy!" He replied hands in the air, taking a few steps back to sit on a fallen tree. 

"I'll be here when you fail!" I heard behind me as I scrambled up the branches, not daring to look down at the shrinking boy beneath me. Finally when I reached the branch with the best view I slowly made myself into a comfortable sitting position.

Pulling my camera from around my neck I started taking the pictures with ease. Soon I forgot how high I was up and got into my zone in changing the contrast and warmth in the pictures adding effects. I couldn't wait to edit these shots later. I didn't even notice that a face was beside me until it sneezed. 

"WHAT THE FECK!" I screamed, my screaming echoing into the trees surrounding us. Oisín smiled causing those two dimples to rise again. "Calm your tits Zozo its just little ould me" He replied laughing. As if I thought things couldn't get any worse the fecking branch started shaking as Oisín tried to mount it. 

"Oisín what are you doing" My voice was shaky from the feeling of myself moving with the branch. 

"woah look how high we're actually up!" He replied, and that's when I did look and the Forrest floor spun as I knocked my head back trying to get the image out of my head. The branch creaked and my heart exploded. Suddenly the sweat was dripping off me as I tried to calm myself.

'This is it I'm going to die. This branch is going to break and I'm going to break my fecking neck and its all going to be stupid Oisín's fault' 

"Woaah Zoey are you okay? You're as pale as a ghost!" Oisín exclaimed coming closer to me holding his left hand to my forehead. His eyes widened. 

"Jesus Zoey you're burning up!" 

The branch creaked again and my eyes shot to the ground so far below us before dizzily closing as I leaned back against the trunk. 

Keeping my eyes squeezed shut I managed a barely audible "Is this a bad time to confess I have a fear of heights?" I braced myself for the shouts of how much of an idiot I am but was met with silence. 

After the moments followed with no words a new fear started to well up inside of me. Did he leave me? 

Alas when I opened my eyes a very amused Oisín sat staring at me with a weird look in his eyes.. it was almost a look of surprise. 

After a few moments he finally spoke, his voice soft and caring. A tone I had not heard from him yet. "You know I have a feeling you're going to bring a lot of surprises into my life." 

My mouth formed a little "o" at his words before I composed myself.

"Well you can kiss that dream goodbye laddy if you don't get me out of this fecking tree!" I replied snappily. 

The caring look was gone from his eyes and was replaced by the gleam barrier once again. "Well we wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't gone and climbed the highest bloody tree you could find then remembered you were afraid of heights missy!" 

"Well if you hadn't rocked the branch I would've been fine!" I yelled back my eyebrows furrowing in anger.

He leaned forward and poked me right were my eyebrows were creasing and smirked "That'll give you wrinkles you know" and then winked. 

Of the lord and lamb I'm going to kill this idiot. 

*    * An Hour and a Half Later. *  *

I brushed my hands through my hair to take the tangle of leaves and twigs out of my hair. Lets just say the climb down wasn't.. the smoothest it could have been..  but with plenty of insults thrown and pulling and tugging we had finally made it to the ground with all limbs!

I walked over to join Oisín who was deep in thought sitting on a fallen tree. He smirked when he saw me sitting beside me "Come to give me your gratitude's eh? A courtesy and a nice compliment will do it for me" He smirked again his dark eyes turning to meet with mine.

I snorted turning away from him and muttered "You wish lad" 

His hand slapping against his chest made me jump. I looked over him like he was insane when he faked a dramatic "hurt feelings" demo. 

"Well I never, young lady I saved your life tonight  and deserve to be treated with respect!" He spoke in an over dramatic woman's voice, and I had to admit his attempt made me laugh until my eyes were crinkling with laughter. 

"That-had to be the worst attempt at an upset woman's voice in the history of attempts!" And again I cracked out with laughing so hard. 

Oisín lost for words resulted in the most childish thing- he shoved me.

Resulting in me shoving him back, 

Resulting in him hauling me onto his shoulder making me squeal,

Resulting in me punching his back until he dropped me back onto my feet,

Resulting in him capturing my hands in his, pulling me closer,

'Whats happening'

Leaving only a close slither of a gap to separate our bodies from touching,

'Oh good god'

And then our breaths were mingling, faces coming closer like we were each others gravity. My eyes locked with his and the look was back in his eyes from earlier. His brown hair was falling into his deep eyes and I noticed freckles scattered across his crooked nose. He was still holding my hands in his warm ones, his thumbs rubbing circles into the back of my hands. 

'This is happening'

And then,

My bloody phone started ringing.

I knew that I could jump that far in the air before.


Shit i know but no judging i tried ok

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p.s what do you think will happen next eh?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2013 ⏰

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