chapter 2

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Yup. I did it.
I made a new chapter!!
I hope most of you still follow this story. It's over 1800 words, so have fun reading. :)


So my name is Kayna.
Kayna Evelis.
I live with my mother and little brother in a nice little town called Swedam. Swedam is a lovely place to live in, since it has everything a teenage girl needs. Some houses, a little park with a fountain, shops, and a highschool.
There also happens to be an incredibly cute guy named Jack that lives in the house next to my own, but that's nothing special, I mean.. it's not like I'm falling for that soft dark blond hair of his, or his dreamy green eyes or something.... that would be stupid...
I mean....
That would be dumb..
You know?..
Oh why are you looking at me like that!?
OK!! Fine! Maybe I do have a little crush on him, but I'm trying to tell you a story here so leave me alone already!!


My house is not that big, but that's fine. It's all that I need. Also my house is like five minutes away from my school, so that's super handy.
My school is so boring though. It has classes like math, english, biology and world history, but it also has stupid classes like gymnastic and social skills. I mean, who needs social skill lessons? I have enough skills to know that I have to reply if someone asks me a question, and that I should run if some idiot comes after me with a weapon. That's enough for me.
We also have some clubs at our school. They take place from 3 pm till 5 pm and are unfortunately manditory. There is only a few clubs. You have the poetry club, where all the wanna-be Shakespeares go. The art club, where all the wanna-be Rembrand's go. The singing club, where all the wanna-be Opera's go.
The sport club, where all the people who don't think two hours of gym a week is enough go.
And than you have the gardning club, where all the people that dislike the other clubs go. That includes me.
You might wonder why there are no clubs like science or computer club. I honestly don't know that, but I guess it has something to do with the fact that our lovely government wants us all to be happilly singing and dancing around like nothing is going on, while there is so mutch going on.

You probably think that I am a grumpy mean little girl, and I'm very sory if I am, but I'm just very angry since we are all being played with like puppets and no one got the guts to cut away the strings that keep them dancing. And the puppet master is either the goverment or the dark lord himself.
If you think that I am exaggerating, that is your opinion.

I woke up from a noise in my room. It was a very anoying noise. It took me a while to recognize the sound. But when I did I found it to be my least favorite noise. The noise that is made by my alarm clock.
Today is monday. That means school. Which means that I have to get out of my bed early. And that is very VERY hard for me. After rubbing my eyes for a while I was able to open my eyes. I slowly turned my head towards my nightstand. It was 7 a.m.
I litteraly rolled out of my bed and hit the ground with a soft thud. I reached for my clothes that I had trown on my desk chair last night and started changing. I put on a black jeans and a light-blue fuzzy sweather since it was kinda cold outside. Still on the floor, I looked into my mirror. My reflection stared back at me. My eyes were still red from brutally rubbing them. The red made my brown eyes look like chocolate. My blonde hair was a little bit messed up but I decided to leave it that way. I crawled down the stairs which resulted into me falling down the last two steps. My mother peeked her haid into the hallway and sighted.
"Did you crawl down the stairs again?"
"Uhm... no?" I tried.
She smerked and opend the door so that I could enter the living room.
At least she didn't mention the time that I broke my arm.
"Did you forget that you broke your arm one time that you did that?" She asked with a stern voice.
Never mind..
" no, but walking stairs is just so exhausting.. breaking my arm was so worth not having to walk down that thing." I was right no matter who tells me that I am not.
"Well, let's hope you don't break anything any time soon. I have to bring your brother to school now. Don't be late for school honney." she said while giving me a quick kiss on the forhead.
"Micha, are you coming ? We are going to school," she shouted into the hallway. A few seconds later my little brother came walking down the stairs.
My brother has honey brown eyes and blonde curly hair. He's a very small boy, but that's OK since he is only 4 years old. Enough time left for him to grow.
Once he saw me he happily walked up to me and hugged me. I kneeled down and put my arms around him.
"Kayna!" He muttered happily.
"Hallo Micha, are you excited for school today?" I asked him.
"School! School" he said happily.
"Let's go to school than, Micha," my mother tolld him. He ran towards her and grabbed ahold of one of her hands. I walked towards the kitchen and prepared some food for me. I heard my mother struglle to get Micha in his winter jacket. After that I heard the front door open and close and I knew that they had left. When I finished the plate I washed it in the sink and left it on the counter. I put on my own black winter jacket and than watched the clock until it was precisely 8 o'clock and than ran towards the door. I opened the door and closed it behind me. I locked the door and heard the door of our neighbours' house open. I saw a very handsome face smiling at me from over the fence between our houses.
"Looks like we got out at the same time once again, Kayna," Jack told me. I was happy that I made it on time to walk with him again. "Indeed. Let's walk together than," I said a little too enthousiastic.
"Woah, you sound very happy to go to school today. Should I go get a docter?" He teased.
"N-no, I uhm.. I just really look forward to buy myself a snack in the canteen.. you know?" Welp, at least I tried. Why do I always have to make an idiot out of myself in front of him?? Dear lord, can't I just do it good for once?
"If you say so Kay.." he began walking towards the direction of the school and I followed him. Waiting for him, which for the record is not weard nor creepy, was totaly worth these five minutes I get to spend with him.


The five minutes went on way to fast, and soon enough I found myself walking towards my locker. When I closed my locker I saw a face behind it. I jumped in my spot and nearly fell from being scared to death. Next to me stood a girl that was about 5'5 feed, which is also my length. She had black curly hair that was cut of right above her shoulders. Her green eyes looked at me with joy. She giggled happily that her prank had worked out. "Always fun to scare you, Kayna." The girl said. I rolled my eyes and opened my arms. "Just hug me already." I said. She came in to hug me and nearly squeesed me to death. I grumbled and she let go of me. She giggled and that's when the bell rang.
Her name is Livia. She is my one and only best friend. My only friend actually. I used to have another friend, his name is Xander. It's a long story, but I'll give you the short version. He got himself a girlfriend, she didn't allow him to have contact with me because she saw me as a rival. Madly in love as he was, he listend to her. They broke up, he didn't have the gutts to apoligise to me, so now he acts like I don't exist.
It's his choice anyway, so I'm OK with it I guess. Anyway, it's just me and Livia now.
Livia and I share most of our classes together, which is very fun. For us. Not for the teachers.

School ended way to soon, and I soon enough found myself walking home. Alone.
I already told you that club-time ends at 5 pm, but I didn't say that that only counts for my age. Club members are ordered by age. 13 till 16 year old people go to clubs from 3 pm till 5pm. 16 till 18 years old people go to clubs from 4 pm till 6 pm. I happen to be 16. My dreamy neighbour happens to be 17. That sucks big time.

When I walk alone, I always walk the long way. Which is walking along the wall. This wall is not just any wall. This wall was build by the government. And building this wall around our small human land is the only good thing the government has ever done. Beyond the walls is open nature. They say that they build the wall for two reasons. One is to protect the other animals from our human existance, which they ofcourse see as a good thing. And also to keep out evil, but I think that's just an excuse. They never told us what the evil was. It makes no sence, since they told us that the dark lord takes the evil away and into his hell, but I don't know what to believe. Maybe there still is evil out there. An evil bigger than our souls can take. But whatever that is, they're not telling us.

I remember walking along this wall sinse I was little. Always imagining what could be at the other side. I used to slip my fingers between the gravels and try to rub away some cement hoping to make a hole in order to see what was behind the wall. That was stupid since the wall is at least three feed thick. Also people used to tell me that that was bad, and the entire black soul drama would come up again.
Yeah, I know.
So I stoped doing that.

I walked up closer to the wall and placed my left hand on it. I want to know what is out there that scares the government so mutch. It can't be other humans, because whe are all in here. There probably is no evil out there at all, otherwise they would have builded walls out of sometging harder than stones, I guess.
If there is anything out there, I will find it.

I have to.


Please don't be mad on me for the terrible grammer, I will try to remove as mutch mistakes as I can in the folowing days.

See you in the next chapter! (I hope xD)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2016 ⏰

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