My son....

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One bright and sunny Sunday afternoon, 4 middle-aged men decide to go down to the local golf course and play.

When the men arrive to the course, the 4th guy gets a call, and decides to take it.

While the 4th guy is gone, the other 3 begin talking about their children while waiting for the man to return.

The first man said, "My son is making a name for himself. He started as a local real estate agent. He now owns his own firm. In fact, he gave a good friend of his a brand new house within the past 6 months, as a gift."

The second man, not to be out done, said, "Oh yeah? Well, my son started out as a local car salesman. He now owns a chain of luxury car dealerships. In fact, he gave 2 new cars to a good friend, as a giftl within the past 6 weeks."

The third man, definately not to be outdone, said, "Oh yeeaahh? Welll. My son started out as a lowly stock broker, but he now owns his own stock broker firm. He even gave a good friend of his a big stock portfolio as a gift."

By this time, the fourth man has returned. The first guy says, "We were just talking about how successful our kids have become. What about yours?"

The guy responds, "I'm not very proud of my son. I learned just 6 months ago that my son is gay, and that he owns a hair salon." Beforee the other 3 men could say anything in disgust, the guy adds-on, "But he must be good at what he does, because his last the boyfriends have given him a new house, 2 brand new cars, and a big stock portfolio."

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