Who is he? He is hot!

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Oh my shiznits! What the bloody hell just happened? As I was walking to class Sabrin started to interrogate me. Who is he? Do you like him? He's hot! You should date him. Omg! Are you dating him... The list was endless. The more we walked, the more comments I received. She didn't even care to mind I didn't answer one; well I kind of did. It was like with my expressions and what not.

My mind kept wandering to him again. Remembering the little details of him. The way his shirt was flowing. The little hint of his feather tattoo on his chest. His mesmerizing green eyes that can suck you up and... Stop it! The last thing you need right now is to be crushing on some slacker. Ugh! I hate that part of me, the judgmental side. The side that slips through my lips with strangers. I'm not rude, at least I try not to be. But it just happens. So then they think I'm just another typical moody teenager that is disrespectful. Yet, I'm totally opposite.

People never take their time to get to know me. Have conversations with me, joke around etc. They just leave and talk to Sabrin. She's funny and social. Smart and witty, but she can show it on her outside as soon as you glance at her. I, on the other hand take time and patience. But no one has patience anymore. I've yet found someone I can just chill and hang out with. Someone that doesn't use me for my brains and understands that even though my face looks mean, I'm not all the time.

Next thing you know it was eighth period and I was walking with Sabrin. She was talking of course. When people see us they think I'm her little shadow. They tell us this and we laugh and shrug it off, but really I'm screaming inside. I want to break free and have solicitude, yet be with someone. Not be hugged by her but by someone else. Not laugh with her but another.... Do you get the picture? I'm to intimidated by her I guess. She walked off with Tony to his car to make out then leave. I glided along the zombies of students to my car. Twenty feet from Mason, my car, I casually glanced to them to see a game of who can pass out first from having the oxygen and dignity sucked out of you.

I twirled in spot from the freedom and skipped to my mason. Opening the trunk to put my bag away and get my things out. I switched my red converse to black combat boots. But not before I took off my jeans to black leggings that showed off all my curves. My cardigan soon left me for a leather one in return. My red shirt stayed the same. But it fit in. I had told Sabrin this morning I had no clean shirts so I had to wear my sisters revealing shirt. She told me to wear the cardigan and that would cover up my cleavage. You see, I'm Mexican, so we eat tortillas and beans and rice like every other day. Except for the tortillas. Those were everyday. So it, as in food, like goes to our butts and boobs. I don't know! It's complicated! Well anyway, I have curves. Like curves, well Sabrin doesn't like this, saying I look like a slut. It is not my fault everything goes to my butt. I told my mama one time that my but is 75% tortillas, 15% bread and the rest muscle. I like to play futball, or soccer so I have a very toned and intriguing ass. Like, it looks all squishy and soft but then you hit it and are like, "Damn, mama!" It's very famous. Sorry it's just I'm proud.

I close the trunk and walk to the front, switching out my prescription glasses for prescription shades. My mom got them for me. They're just like my dad's! So dark you can't even see my eyes. My ponytail falls out and my wavy hair fell perfectly. I put on some dark red lipstick that show off my plump lips. Shit, i left my phone in my backpack. I glance out the back and see they left. A smile forms on my lips and I retrieve my phone. But before I can sit back down I feel a stare. I turn and see Alex there and staring at me with a huge mischievous grin. He starts strutting toward me and I grow a surge of confidence; I'm in my natural self now. Well kind of. My mother says I have a personality disorder cuz the different fazes I go through in life just stay. So I can switch them with whoever I'm with.

"Hey, sexy"

"Do you need something, Alex?" I ask grinning. He just stared, taken aback by my confidence.

"Um yea, I was just wondering why you changed? Also, what's your name? I hadn't asked before. Anyway, you looked so cute and geeky, despise the kinky shirt, earlier. And now you look like some badasss biker chick." What do I say? Do I say the truth, lie? Or ignore him? Truth.

"It's Melody. You can call me mell. I'm comfortable in this, oddly, I know. It's, like, the true me I guess. Not that, that isn't me but, that's like a school me. This is going driving, me." He nodded his head. But I could sense the confusion.

"So do you like purposely change you style or 'you'," he used his fingers as quotation marks.

"Yea I guess, it's hard to explain, given I never had the necessity to. Cuz my family only knows about this," I say gesturing to myself. He again nods. Although I can still sense his still confusion. I chuckled.

"Where are you driving to, Melody?"

"Newport beach. Do you wanna come?" He looked at me questioningly, given I only met him today.

"You know I'm 6'4 right?," I nod,"215 lb?"

"Well I mean I didn't know that. I'm not like some stalker. And I didn't know you were exactly 6'4, but that you were tall."

"So then you know, you can't easily fight unwanted attention and.... stuff?"lol. Stuff. Like as if I were a child and his wanted to preserve my innocence. Ha! The nerve.

"Yes, I'm well aware of that. It's just I've nothing to do and want some company. And I trust you to be a non creep type. More of a 'if you want to fuck. Call me daddy.'" I then winked,"Yea I see you as that. Do you want to come or not? It's getting darker by the minute!" He smiled at me and nodded. I assumed he would get angry but that just shows I was right. The weird thing is, I didn't mind. Me being secretive has drawn me to desperation. And he's the only living human being at school that knows so I shall befriend him. If that's what he want of course. (Wink wink) jk. I ain't no slut!

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