The beginning

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Shannon's POV

Ally decided to wake me up at an ungodly hour to film a video with her and Stevie. I love them both but I need my beauty sleep. As I walked into their apartment I saw a blonde haired girl sitting on the couch talking with Stevie. When I walked over Stevie smiled at me and I sat down on her other side. "Hey Stevie. Who is this lovely lady?" This girl then smiled at me. "I'm Camden Scott but you can call me Cammie." I smiled back at her. "I'm Shannon Bevridge but you can just call me Shannon." She laughed and I knew I wanted to live the rest of my life hearing that laugh. As I was about to ask what kind of video we were filming Ally walked in. "Ok Stally what kind of video are we filming?" Ally smiled. "We decided to do a competition video. You and Cammie versus Stevie and I." I looked at Stevie. "Wait why are you and Ally on the same team. Ally is my bro." Stevie laughed. "Yes but she is my girlfriend so we are on the same team." Cammie stood up and nudged my shoulder. I smiled and we started to film the video

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