Chapter 26 The Party

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Your POV
I was completely calm now... I slowly lifted my head up and realised what I just did... IDIOT! My cheeks flushed red immediately and I turned my head away from Dante's view
'I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to get like that...' from the corner of my eyes I noticed that he smiled
'There's nothing to be sorry about (N), everyone cryies, especially if they were through something like you were. Now, I came to get you!'
'What for? Wait... weren't you supposed to train wit Abbie?' Don't tell me they know!
'Umm, you'll see, now come on! Turn that frown upside down' he looked cute when he smiled... what am I thinking! I don't like anyone that way... right?
'Fine! But if this has something to do with my bi--- doesn't matter.' That was close! My god this is difficult to hide!
'We know it's your birthday. A little warrior told us' Abbie...
'When I see her she's dead. I am pretty sure that I told her not to tell you!'
'Why?' He is clueless isn't he?
'I kinda just said why...' he shook his head...
'You need to let go of your past (N)! If you stick to it, you'll never be your best y'know?' ... my mind was blank.
'You're right! I should just go and fun with my friends right?'
'Right! ' so I actually went with him...

*At the guard station*
(It's only a small party rather than a village event)

My (FC) knee length dress swayed in the wind as me and Dante made it to the guard station. He opened the door and I saw my friends waiting inside... Aphmau, Garroth, Laurence and of course, Abbie. At least it wasn't a big deal so that's great! Dante followed after me.
'What took you so long?' The blue haired guard got looks from both Garroth and Laurence! Never thought they were that way... well maybe Laurence.
'Emmm... well...'I looked over at my troubled friend and decided to help him out with the two deathly stares
'Don't worry about that, I wasn't quite in the mood for anything so he had to drag me out and that is not easy to do'
They all looked at me, Dante with relief and the other two boys with shock. I wasn't planning on telling everyone about my past right now!
'Ok, I leave you be and go talk to Aph!' I skipped off towards my friend and Abbie but before I got there Laurence grabed my arm, spun me to face towards me and embraced me in a massive hug...
'Happy birthday (N)' he whispered in my ear and I could hear the other two boil up my cheeks flushed red immediately at his actions. My heart raced at the impact of his hands around me...What's going on with me? As hard as it was, I managed to get out of his grip
'Thanks, but if you do something like that without asking, I swear you will loose an arm or something!' With that I walked off back in the direction I was originally heading for... why was my heart racing before?
The party didn't go on for long and I'm glad it didn't, we chatted and did all those things friends do at parties, well for the first part we had to do this that Abbie could be involved in but later I sent her back home when it got too late for her to be up. When it was finally over Garroth insisted to get me home even though I am much more than capable of taking care of myself. Well, it was fun seeing him so happy so there was no chance I could disagree. Like the other two times before, Garroth got death glares. Those guys need to cut it out!

'So, how was it?' We were almost at my house when my companion broke the silence... I didn't know what to say
'That was probably the best birthday I had in... many years' his face turned towards mine... the painful memories are back but I don't want him to know, not yet at least!
'Are you ok?' He seemed concerned... why do I always make people worry too much!
'It's nothing really!' I said holding back tears... guess he noticed that, but we were just in front of my house...
'I can tell you're not. Please, tell me why are you so sad?' He held my hand so I wouldn't walk away... great! If I didn't have enough drama for one day!
'Not today ok? I'm kinda tired and it's a long story' he pulled me into a hug... not him as well!
'Just don't keep it in for too long or it'll break you apart and I hate to see you when you are this way...'
'Garroth... I'll explain it to you and Laurence tomorrow' he then let go of me... and had a suspicious look in his eyes
'What about Dante?' Great!
'Wonder what took him so long to get me out? Well he kinda knows... dang that mental break down!' Hopefully he didn't hear the last part...
'Oh... wel then, see you tomorrow (N), sleep well and happy birthday'
'You too Garroth and thanks' I smiled and walked inside of my house... too many emotions for one day!

Hey! So there is some romantic (kinda) things with all three in one day! Oh my Irene! Also I have some great news, this book reached 2k views!!!!!! Party time! To be honest I am not bothered to write a separate chapter to ask this so I'll ask here, what should I do for a special because I don't know! If I won't get replies I will have to think but oh well it's always better to ask! Anyway, cya next time! Bye!

Tangled In Love (Garroth X Laurence X Dante X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now