Side Story The Girls Movie Night pt.1

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Your POV
I looked out of my apartment window down onto the rainy street, great! The girls from our group were supposed to have a night out together.
I picked up my phone to text Aphmau to ask what we were going to do and just as of she read my mind she was calling me...
'Hey Aph! I ws just about to text ya!'
'Really? What a coincidence! Anyway, it's raining and I don't think it'll clear up in time...'
'I know, what are we going to now? I mean we can always get to someone's house and do a movie night'
'(N)! That's a great idea! I'll create a group call so we can all talk! EEEEEEK! I'm so excited!' I pulled my ear away from the phone as her screaming was way too loud for me to be that close to my phone
'Great! Just keep your fangirling down or we'll all lose our hearing because of you! And mention it to Kawaii~Chan!'
'Sure, and sorry for being so... fangirly' I laughed through the phone
'No problem, so are you calling the others?' After that I heard new people join our call I looked at the list and saw Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn, Nicole, Kiki, Lucinda, Sisi (yes I'm alive here!), Zoey, and even Emmalyn!
Sisi=S-'Hey girls
Nicole=N- what's up?
Kawaii~Chan=KC- Aphmau~Senpai! Girls! Everyone's here! Kawaii~Chan is soo happy!
Lucinda=L- hehe nice to hear from you all
Kiki=K- so what's wrong?
Emmalyn=E- umm I dunno
Zoey=Z- looked out of your windows yet girls?
Katelyn=K- It's raining and we were supposed to have our night out
Aphmau=A- that's why I called you all! (N) had a great idea on what to do instead!
You=U- here she goes! But before she does... keep the fangirling to yourself! Especially you Kawaii~Chan!
KC- ok (N)~chan
N-so what's the idea?
A- instead of getting our butts wet, let's have a movie night!
U- Kawaii~Chan is gonna explode! I would turn my sound down as fast as possible!
even though I told her not to...
S-my ears... I have headphones on y'know?!
K-OMI! Sisi your alright?
N- I don't think she can hear you...
Z-poor girl
U- I knew she was gonna have them on... typical Sisi!
A- that aside, what do you say?
Everyone- sure!
K- but where?
E- last time we went to Kawaii~Chan... who has the biggest place?
S- ummm... I think Aphmau, Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan...
A-liar! Your and (N)'s house is bigger!
S-but our is a total mess!
U-speak for yourself! My half is clean
Z-well if they have the biggest place should we do it there?
U-I don't mind
A-great! Well then it's set!
K- where's Sisi? She quit the call
U-oOo... I better run if you want to come over call you later!
*(N) you're dead!*
N- that's a great idea! Bye!
U-*squeak* see you later guys!
Everyone- bye!
*call over*
Ok now to run away from the raging mess named Sisi... I just dug my own grave with that movie night!

Hey! Right now I have no idea where to go with the main thing so I need to get a bit of time to think about that, in the mean time I'll just write this side story!Also the thing about me in this are mostly true. Anyway hope you enjoyed and cya next time! Bye!


P.S funny thing I started to write with the author note unlike most of the time...

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