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hadley call and sam uley had spoken once in her seventeen and a half years, and she was completely okay with that fact. afterall he was three years older than her at twenty, so they never had the need to talk to one another. that is, until he barged into her life; and her aunt's small little grocery store while she was working and turned her life completely upside down.

their conversation before that was simple, easy. after all it happened when they were only four and seven, him asking her why she was crying and her telling him. when he found out it was because of the daycare's very own bully, a nine year old a couple of inches taller than sam, he marched right up to the older boy and punched him in the face. once he made sure she got her toy back; a little teddy bear that was obviously very loved, you could tell by the way it had tears that had been sewn up and an ear missing, he smiled and went back to his own small group of friends. only to be dragged inside by the daycare's director and told that he is not, under any circumstances, allowed to punch people.

and that was the last time they interacted with each other in the way of words for another thirteen years. although, sam could always be found nearby keeping an eye on the younger girl. consequently, he was also the reason the girl never had many close friends. all of the other children, and later teenagers were terrified of sam. it was a vibe he gave off; although he was a kind person people always thought he was violent, like his father.

all of the boys were afraid of getting beat up by sam, and the girls didn't want to put their boyfriends or brothers in danger. only two girls were brave enough to be the tan skinned girl's friend. and those two girls were rachel and rebecca black, a year older and wiser, as they liked to put it. neither of them were affected by the boy who they had grown up with.

as they grew up it was obvious that hadley was the sweetest of the small group of three. rachel was fiery and could always tell you what she wanted and when she wanted it, rebecca was softer spoken but still harsh when it came to people she disliked, but it seemed that hadley didn't dislike anybody. she had never once raised her voice at someone unless they were picking on another person, and even when she did she never embarrassed them or made them upset. they just, stopped. it was like her being disappointed in them was the worst thing that could ever happen to them.

so, hadley had a decent life with her mother and brother embry. and then suddenly embry grew distant and it terrified her. he went to jake's house for two weeks and when he came back he was quickly angered. he always came home later and later, looking exhausted when he was home, which was almost never.

and then one day she saw it, he was hanging out with sam uley's gang of hooligans. it looked like him and jake had joined which disappointed her, she thought they were smart enough never to turn to drugs, or idiotic things in general. she figured she would talk to him about it when she got home, not wanting to make him mad in front of his friends, although he didn't deserve it.

she decided she wasn't going to try and ignore the fact that her younger brother suddenly turned into one of the boys everyone on the reservation talked about, not to mention they started to stare at her as well.

when embry got home that night she was sitting on the couch, waiting for him. when he walks in the door she immediately gets up and stands in front of him, not allowing him to go on to his bedroom. she tried to look intimidating but being 5'4 against a 6'0 embry it didn't work very well.

"what the hell, hadley?"

"why are you hanging around sam uley, embry?! you told me yourself he was like a hall moniter on steroids! just talk to me." as she finished talking her voice got softer and more rough, and you could tell by her voice alone she was about to cry.

"look hadley, i - you just don't understand okay."

"no i don't. so help me to, help me understand. please."

"i can't okay! just leave it alone, i mean you can't control me like you control everything else. it's a wonder you have any friends!"

she flinched and looks up at him. she opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. it was true, she was a neurotic control-freak. she let out a half sob before covering her mouth with her hand and running to her room in the farthest corner of the small, cramped house.

immediately embry regretted what he said, knowing he'd hit a sensitive spot for her. he knew she tried so hard not to control everything, that she couldn't help it, that it was hard enough that rachel and rebecca had left and she didn't need any reminding. he knew she had to focus her energy on to something else, like planning parties, or this week's meals down to how much salt, hell she counted her steps sometimes because she didn't want to overwhelm anyone else with her issues. she needed the control over something and that gave it to her.

and as hadley laid in her bed crying begging sleep to come she knew that she needed to try and stay mad at embry, he deserved it for making her cry afterall, but knew it probably wouldn't work. she knew she never could stay mad at anyone, let alone embry. he was her only real friend now afterall, her two other friends off at college. and her left alone as a senior in high school at the small school on the reservation. she knew she'd be spending most of it alone.

written in the stars 》sam uley Where stories live. Discover now