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harry was suprised to say the least, he had no idea what to say. of course he knew what happened there was no way around it, sam imprinted, it was obvious. what he couldn't believe was that it was on hadley call. it's not like it was a bad thing either, it was obvious that sam had some sort of connection with her even when they were younger. hell, just the other day sam threatened a younger boy that embry said was bothering her a lot around the store.

he didn't know how to tell sam what was going on, how can you spring that on somebody? how was he supposed to tell this boy, yes boy, that he had just looked into his soulmate's eyes almost exactly one month after he turned into a wolf, and then ultimately cut off all ties from everyone except harry and the boys in the pack.

"listen, sam, when i tell you this you have to promise to listen to me. let me finish explaining, because trust me this needs explaining."

"okay, harry what is going on?"

"it has to do with our heritage, specifically the legend of taha aki and his three wives. it is said that taha aki could change between worlds, human and spirit, and one day when he did, an old enemy took refuge in his body."

"utlapa, right?"

"yes, exactly. anyways, utlapa had taken over his body and taha aki tried again and again to stop him from doing something horrible as chief, since taha was chief. he figured out a way; he changed into a wolf, the great wolf, and that allowed him to become what you are, a shifter."

"okay harry but that doesn't have anything to do with me, i don't understand."

harry knew he wouldn't. the early story was boring and something he had heard before.

"it doesn't, not yet. as you know he saved the villiage and hundreds of years later he met his third wife. there was an attack on their village and she sacrificed herself for him, died in his place. she was what we like to call his imprint, or soulmate. we didn't think it would happen to anyone in the pack, it's so unlikely. but i guess we can never underestimate you huh sam?"

"wait, so you're saying hadley call is my soulmate and i don't have any choice in the matter?"

"that is exactly what i'm saying. although you don't have to accept the imprint it will be better for the both of you if you did. you would never be truly happy with anyone else."

"i - i need to think."

sam shakily got up from where he was sitting and walked slowly out of the room, not really seeing where he was going. he pushed open the screen door and stumbled down the porch steps completely ignoring seth calling his name on the way to his truck.


hadley had been waiting to close up the store for the last twenty minutes so she could get to sam uley's house before he did so he had no choice but to talk to her. and since she had to walk she needed to hurry. it seemed to her that sam had the same idea of needing to talk as she did because just as she turned the lights off to the store and turned around to walk out the door he flew into the small parking lot. he was in the middle of the parking lot, not to mention he looked somewhat deranged, as if he didn't know exactly where he was or what he was doing.

she watched him in confusion as he practically tore his door off then speedwalked towards her with a sudden look of determination in his eyes. she smiled thinking he would finally talk to her about embry and his weird and sudden relationship. and although that isn't exactly what she'd get, it would be better.

sam opened his mouth and out came exactly what she wanted to hear, "can we please talk, now?"

suddenly it wasn't just a smile it was a full blown grin and sam, not having expected it, was completely blown away by just how alive she was. that was the only way he could ever describe her, alive. because to sam she was a summer sunset, laughing until you cry in the middle of the night with your best friends, she's the feeling you get when you watch your old favorite movie and still remember every line, and lastly she's golden like the chocolate chip cookies you make with your best friend when you both can't sleep. and suddenly he knows he can never give her up or try to somehow get over the imprint because she is exactly what everyone wants in anyone they have ever loved. she's what he wants, and he just never realized it until now.

sam didn't even realize he was smiling back at her until she started speaking. he couldn't even really hear what she was saying because he couldn't stop admiring how beautiful she was. he could tell that she was very passionate and excited about what she was telling him and he was trying to pay attention, he was. but he just started to tune back into the conversation just as she was saying his name in questioning. he tried to go back and recall what she had been saying  but he couldn't. then his grin turned into a bashful smile.

"i'm so sorry but i didn't hear any of what you just said."

he was scared she'd be mad at him, leah always got mad at him when he did that.
but instead she scoffed then smiled at him and repeated herself.

"i said that i was really sorry for yelling at you before, that is really unlike me. i guess i was just upset that embry wasn't telling me anything about why he was going places randomly in the night and suddenly not hanging out jake and quil. i'm just i am so  sorry sam really, i just. i wanted answers you know?"

"hadley i completely understand what your thoughts are on all of this, you're not the only one who has had questions about this thing that's happening. and if you'd go with me to my house i can explain everything to you."

it seemed like hours, days dragged on as she thought about her answer when in reality it was only seconds until she said, "okay."

written in the stars 》sam uley Where stories live. Discover now