Chapter 2

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_____'s pov
It has been a month since you slipped into a coma and you wake up with amnesia of the fight you had with Eren.

I heard crying,"____, I wish you would wake up already," Eren said with a sigh. I opened my eyes to Eren staring down at me with tears and bloodshot eyes. "Hi," I said.
" ______! Y-y-you're awake," Eren almost screamed at me in surprise that I was awake he also started bawling.
"Why am I in the hospital and how long have I been out?" I asked.
"You've been out a month and you cut yourself severly," he answered.
         "Why would I do that?" I questioned confused right then Eren's dad ,who I call doctor dad, came in.
"Oh good you're up I need to speak to you alone so Eren would you please?" He asked nicely.
"Ok," he answered glumly. He went out of my room as requested.
"Do you remember why you harmed yourself?" Doctor dad asked me.
I started think but I finally said,"no I'm sorry I don't remember and I can't tell you why."
"Ok well when you do start to remember it might hurt a bit," he responded while giving me sympathetic look. "Ok," I answered,"when do you think it'll come back?"
He responded with a sigh,"a day or two maybe it's hard to tell it may never fully come back."
"Oh," was all I could say. Doctor dad did a check up then told me I could leave. I responded back with a nod. I got up changed then went to walk home by myself but Eren being the person he is walked me home he kept asking if I was ok and if I wanted to talk about anything I, of course, told him yes I was fine and no I had nothing to talks about.
               He finally calmed down and I went into the house to find my mom who ,of course, was on the floor passed out from drinking. I took the bottle and poured what was left out then woke my mom up as best as possible and helped her get into bed. I love her don't get me wrong but God she can be a bitch when she has a hangover.
             I went to my room and started to think of why I would harm myself. I mean my life isn't the best but I have Eren, his parents, and his sister,Miksasa, too life isn't all bad. Now I have a major headache. Well there goes trying to have a good day. I got up took some Tylenol laid down but my headache got worse I grabbed my phone and realized I had lots of voicemails from my friends.
               I called Eren and we talked for a while and I confessed to him that I like him while we were on the phone with him. He said he felt the same and then read me a poem. We said goodnight hung up and then I went to sleep.

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