Chapter 29:

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"You being a meany this morning?" I ask Corey as we walk into his daycare.

I miss keeping him with me during the times Joey goes to school, but he only goes three days a week. Plus it's good for him to interact with other kids.

"Kae Kae." Corey said tapping my leg as I was signing him in.

"Awh, my son calls me by my name too. I always have to remind him it's mommy." Another lady said.

I smiled agreeing.

"Mommy look." Corey said tapping my leg again.

"You know you're allowed to stay with him for awhile if you want. His dad does sometimes." His teacher said.

"Oh okay, I will." I said going with Corey as he pulled me to the breakfast area since I had enough time before class.

"Where you coming from?" Auntie Nee asked me.

"School. I had classes all day. Had to stop by and see your crazy self. Still stalking us on social media?"

"Girl, bye." She said flagging me off making me laugh.

"Did you just make this?" I ask looking at the brownies she had in a container.

"Get some, Kae."

"Thank you." I said grabbing me a bowl to put it in.

"You got some ice cream." I ask opening the freezer.

"In the deep freezer, Kae. You just as bad as your damn mom with food." She said shaking her head.

"Oh whatever. So what's the tea on Quent and this girl." I ask. "Heard you of all people like her."

"Yeah, she's cool. Stripping to take care of  her and her daughter which I respect. So I like her. I approve."

"That's what's up, I wanna meet her."

"They were here this morning. I told her I'ma have to get all the girls together including your mom and do something."

"Yup, we can. We over do for a girls day. I say Spa this time." I said which she agreed to.

"What you just come over here to eat?" Uncle Q asked walking into the kitchen.

"You and Auntie gonna leave me alone." I said pointing my spoon at him.

I pull my phone out my bag seeing Cortez calling me, "What's up?" I answer.

"Sis?" Cortez said as soon as I answered his phone call.

"Yes, Cortez."

"So you know I went to pick up Corey from daycare." He said then paused.

"Yes." I said moving my hands wanting him to continue.

"Then we went back to Joey's and both fell asleep."


"When's your project due?"

I stopped my spoon halfway to my mouth, "Why?"

"I woke up and noticed he snuck off. Corey might have scribbled all over it."

"Might have Cortez, really?" I ask palming my face.

After stopping at the store to get a new poster board I made my way to Joey's.

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