Chapter 38:

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"Bae, I'm leaving." Joey said waking me up kissing on my neck.

"You got somebody to train this early?" I ask seeing it was seven in the morning.

Joey has been working as a trainer at the gym he has been going to forever. He trains people in groups, sometimes one on ones for more money. He's been doing the damn thing since he graduated a few months ago with a exercise science and a business degree. I'm proud of him.

"Yeah I told you that last night." Joey said.

"Okay. Gimme kiss." I said poking my lips out eyes still closed.

He chuckled kissing my lips.

"Can you bring Corey in here before you leave?" I ask.

"No let him stay in his own bed, Kaelyn."

"But," I started, but he cut me off saying no again.

"Whatever." I said turning around getting back comfortable.

"Really?" I heard Joey ask.

"What?" I ask not even looking.

Then I felt the covers being tugged. I looked seeing a half asleep Corey rubbing his eyes. "Mommy I need covers."

"Aw, my cuddle baby." I said lifting the covers and he crawled right up next to me.

"Damn shame." Joey said before kissing Corey's forehead then mine before leaving.

Me and Corey slept for awhile after Joey left, but I woke up to Corey messing with my face as always.

"Mommy, wake up." Corey said trying to open my eyes.

"Boy." I said smacking his hand away.

"Phew, your breath stinks Papa." I laughing turning my head away from him.

"You breath stink!" He exclaimed making me laugh.

"Well let's go brush our teeth together." I said throwing the covers off.

After brushing our teeth. I got a text from Joey telling us to get ready he's gonna take us out for food before his next group of clients. So I gave Corey a bath and I took a shower so we could be ready when he gets here.

"Pizza, pizza, pizza!" Corey cheered as we got out of the car.

"We are eating breakfast not pizza lil dude." Joey said.

"Nooooppe." Corey said.

After we got seated we all ordered our drinks while taking more time to look over the menu.

"You want pancakes?" I ask Corey.

"No." He whined. "I want pizza."

"Poppa, it's breakfast time. Look you can get this." I said showing him the picture of pancakes with strawberries.

"Okay." He said trying to act sad.

"Mmm." I said drinking some of my cranberry punch through my straw. "This is so good, wanna taste?" I ask Joey.

"Yeah, I wanna taste." He said biting his lip making that one dimple show as he looked at me.

I blushed rolling my eyes, "Here." I said holding my glass and straw out to him. "Good right?" I ask.

"It's okay."

"You sleep babe." I said.

"Let me taste yours." I said. He had a green smoothie.

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